Hi all,

I'm not sure whether my configuration is incorrect, whether it's working 
the way it should or whether I've run into a bug.

I would like to do the following in my REST interface:

1. Receive a request
2. Start a different thread to immediately send a response back
3. Continue processing the request (using, among other things 
CDI-injected resources[1]).

I expected 2. to immediately send a response back, but it waits for 3 to 
complete. :(

I've put together a small github arquillian project with a test that 
shows this (https://github.com/mrietveld/resteasy-async-comet/).

I've added the <async-supported>true</async-supported> option to my 
-- is there something else I need to do?

Thanks in advance,
Marco Rietveld

[1] The reason that I mention the CDI injected resources necessary for 
processing my request, is that I can't use the asynchronous job service 
to do this because of RESTEASY-236.

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