My story: A while back, my file server (beige G3/266 w/256MB DRAM, OS 8.1,
ASIP 5.0.3) would also crash consistently when backing up if Retrospect ran
in the background with the default memory allocation settings. The only way
I could get it to back up properly was to set its memory allocation to
around 40MB, disable Retrospect's use of temporary system memory, and make
sure that Retrospect launched & quit on its own (ensuring that it ran in the

Then I upgraded to OS 8.6 & ASIP 6.2. Ran like a champ no matter what.

Then, after talking with others about the crashing I had experienced
earlier, I had the machine tested by the local Mac shop -- one of the DIMM
slots was bad. Too bad I didn't talk with those folks a long time ago.
would've saved me a lot of headaches.

To quote Scott McCarty from a recent post in the AppleShare IP list;

> > Retrospect is kind of like the canary in the coal mine.
> > If your storage sub-systems are below par, Retrospect
> > will blow it up. If your storage systems are perfect,
> > Retrospect will run flawlessly. I have it running
> > directly on every server that I support. When it burps,
> > I know I have a hardware problem...every time.

David G. Thornton
Graphics Systems Manager •
CCL Label, Sioux Falls, SD

"I don't view wealth as something that validates my intelligence."
        Steve Jobs

> Lisa -
> You should upgrade to OS 8.6 certainly on the ASIP server, probably on
> the Retro backup server as well. This should clear up ethernet problems
> on these macs.
> Or, if you have a 10/100 network, you should install 10/100 ethernet
> cards (Asante) in the file server and backup server. This will make lots
> of people happy, not just the net admins.
> Just check that ASIP 5.0.3 is okay on OS 8.6; I think it isn't so you'd
> need to upgrade ASIP as well. You don't necessarily need to buy a new
> file server but the software upgrade would be a good idea. (any software
> you spend money upgrading will be transferrable to new server hardware
> when the time comes).
> Lisa Weihl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First let me say thanks to everyone who responded to my questions about the
>> G4 I had crashing over night.  Several people told me there were OT
>> software updates. Turns out when he turned off Retrospect the crashing
>> stopped. I don't think that was the whole problem though because I found
>> duplicate copies of several extensions when I went to turn Retro back
>> on.  We'll see now if he still crashes.
>> Now on to another nagging question:
>> My users are quite annoyed that every time a full backup of our AppleShare
>> file server occurs the server seems to hang.  Error logs show a 519
>> error.  This happens about 99% of the time a full backup of every server
>> volume is done.
>> Specs:
>> File Server is a PowerMac 7600/132 with 64 MB of RAM running OS 8.1 and
>> ASIP 5.0.3. It has Retrospect client 4.2 and backups up via TCP/IP using
>> the built-in Ethernet.  It has 2 9G disk drives attached to it, one is
>> partitioned into 3 partitions and the other 2 (only one is active). I
>> realize this machine is the lowest end configuration for ASIP but I'm still
>> convincing them to buy a new machine.
>> Backup server is a PowerMAc 7500/100 with 32 MB of RAM running OS
>> 7.6.1.  Tape drive is a HP Sure Store DAT24.  Retrospect server software is
>> also 4.2.
>> Until I can get them to buy a new file server does anyone have any idea
>> what I might be able to do to stop the crashing?
>> Thanks,
>> Lisa
>> ******************************************************************
>> Lisa Weihl, System Administrator  E-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Department of Computer Science    Office:    Hayes 225
>> Bowling Green State University    Phone:     (419) 372-0116
>> Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0214    Fax:       (419) 372-8061

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