It would be worth the trouble to go buy a couple of other types of 
CD's to write to.

My guess is the drive is failing.  Out of the 20 (mixed speeds) or so 
that we have around here, we had one that was bad out of box 
(shipping to Alaska can be hazardous).  It would act like it would 
write the CD, but would not verify it at all.  If you looked at the 
CD, it looked like it had been written to, but put it in another 
machine and it was a coaster.

Yamaha replaced it 5 days later (pretty good up here).  No problems since.

>I have had a Yamaha CRW6416S interal for some time and have done 
>almost no recording with it. Had a few problems doing so and today 
>did some more extensive work and learned I am having tons of 
>trouble. Sounds like a bad drive -- or maybe bad disks? -- and I 
>wanted to run the symptoms by the folks here for a judgement.
>Yamaha CRW6416S interal, firmware 1/.0d
>in a Macintosh 8500/120 with MacOS 8.6
>Retrospect 4.3
>Also Adaptec Toast 3.5.7
>I created a backup on four CDs but when I did a Verify, two of them 
>failed to read. I loaded them in and Retrospect can't recognize them 
>-- sees them as "Erased."
>So I used Adaptec Toast to write a session (Mac files format, Write 
>Session) and for three disks, the verify came back with:
>   Sector 2626 is unreadable.
>Attempting to write again yielded "You cannot write to this CD."
>I am beginning to think I cannot write to this CD. ;-)
>So what do you think? Bad drive? Cheap CD-Rs? I have also had odd 
>problems with CD-RWs and this drive.

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