I have had a Yamaha CRW6416S interal for some time and have done 
almost no recording with it. Had a few problems doing so and today 
did some more extensive work and learned I am having tons of trouble. 
Sounds like a bad drive -- or maybe bad disks? -- and I wanted to run 
the symptoms by the folks here for a judgement.

Yamaha CRW6416S interal, firmware 1/.0d
in a Macintosh 8500/120 with MacOS 8.6
Retrospect 4.3
Also Adaptec Toast 3.5.7

I created a backup on four CDs but when I did a Verify, two of them 
failed to read. I loaded them in and Retrospect can't recognize them 
-- sees them as "Erased."

So I used Adaptec Toast to write a session (Mac files format, Write 
Session) and for three disks, the verify came back with:

   Sector 2626 is unreadable.

Attempting to write again yielded "You cannot write to this CD."

I am beginning to think I cannot write to this CD. ;-)

So what do you think? Bad drive? Cheap CD-Rs? I have also had odd 
problems with CD-RWs and this drive.

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