Comment #2 on issue 3003 by Impossible to use nginx-apache proxy when running reviewboard

I believe I am having a similar issue of not the same. I run three reviewboard instance on one server, and I would like to use a proxy with a central cname that proxy accordingly to the various reviewboard instances.

I created an app cname called r1, r2, and r3. Which works perfectly, but I want to have one central cname to control access to these.

An example:

cname reviews
proxypass /app1 http://r1
proxypassreverse /app1 http:/r1

proxypass /app2 http://r2
proxypassreverse /app2 http:/r2

The reviewboard instances all look great when access, but new reviews cannot be submitted as the request behind the scenes is r1 vs. reviews/app1.

To fix this, proxypreservehost on would usually be used, but this just then kills the request with a 502 error. I tried a few things like proxybadheader ignore or startbody to try to resolve, but with no success.

Anybody got any suggestions?

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