Thanks. So I would need to write a custom backend/middleware instead?

On Feb 22, 3:20 pm, Stephen Gallagher <>
> On 02/22/2010 03:10 PM, Stodge wrote:> I'm using the remote user 
> middleware/backend to support basic http
> > authentication:
> > 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.RemoteUserMiddleware',
> > and it seems to work nicely with Review Board. Apache forces a user to
> > login and then this middleware/backend automatically creates the user
> > in Django. The user is then "interrupted" and redirected to their
> > account page. Normally (as you know) the user is forced to enter their
> > first/last names and their email address. However, using the remote
> > middleware/backend the user is only asked to enable/disable syntax
> > highlighting. They're not forced to enter their names and email
> > address. Any ideas why this might be? Thanks
> Data received from the custom auth backend is authoritative. Anything
> you would enter as a first/last name or email would be overwritten by
> whatever the backend decided it should be.

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