I think that, perhaps, a better approach to this would be to allow the
user to download the full modified file (not the patch) so they can use
their own diff tool.


For example, before I first started with ReviewBoard, I worked with a
small internal tool (Python script) which would take a (Perforce)
changelist and copy it to a network share in a /<changelist>/1 folder,
copy the "base" Perforce revision to /<changelist>/base, and prepare an
XML file which specified the share location and share number (named
something other than .xml so Windows users could associate a command
with it) and email that file to interested users.


The user would then run a Python script which would read the file and
run Araxis Merge (or Beyond Compare or WinDiff or...) against the
relevant files.


I think this kind of structure would be quite easy to mimic with
ReviewBoard if we could simply download the full file, and then users
could use any tool they desire to view the diffs (and, for the most
part, the RB built in diff is 1239781092378912% easier to use for small
changes anyways J )


Dana Lacoste


PS: I know that "download the full file" is a feature on the backlog for
some future release J


From: reviewboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:reviewbo...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Christian Hammond
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:00 PM
To: reviewboard@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Is there any flexibility to change the "diff" format for a


Right, we have our own pretty specific diff viewer. It's very much a
side-by-side viewer right now and it would take a lot of work to change
that. It's not a priority given other work and not likely to happen in
the near future. Especially not before 2.0.

In theory, after 2.0 someone could write a replacement diff viewer that
does a more WinDiff-style view. It'll be a while before 2.0 is out,


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