I've successfully installed RB on CENTOS 4 (build everything from
source) but when I'm trying to upload a diff file I'm getting errors.
Here's my apache error log

2010-08-16 19:46:52,532 - DEBUG - DiffParser.parse: Beginning parse of
diff, size = 377
2010-08-16 19:46:52,532 - DEBUG - DiffParser.parse: Finished parsing
[Mon Aug 16 22:46:52 2010] [notice] child pid 4981 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

Has anyone run into the same problem? thanks.

On Jul 26, 6:46 pm, van85 <vanessabern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well I cannot reinstall CENTOS 5 just for the sake if running
> ReviewBoard since this machine is with the same setup as our
> production server. thanks anyway I guess I'll have to ditch RB for now.

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