On 15.03.2011, at 21:46, Christian Hammond wrote:

> Are you behind a proxy server? If so, it's possible that post-review is
> picking up the proxy settings on Windows, and it's preventing it from
> accessing the site correctly.

No, I am not behind a proxy server.

> With 0.3.2, can you run with --debug and provide the output?

The output is attached as "debug_output_rbtools_0.3.2.txt"

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C:\Prompt>post-review --submit-as=username --target-groups= --target-
people=targetuser --diff-filename=rbDiff_File --repository-url=https://
subversion.lan/dev --bugs-closed= --
summary=file.ending/.otherending@revision --description="asdf"  --
server=http://reviewboard.lan --username=dummyUser --
password=DummyPasswd --publish --debug
>>> RBTools 0.3.2
>>> Home = C:\Prompt
>>> svn info https://subversion/dev
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: https://subversion/dev, Base path: /, Suppor

ts changesets: False
>>> HTTP GETting api/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/info/
>>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in
>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'You are not logged in', u'

code': 103}}
Unable to access the root /api/ URL on the server.

I can report some details concerning the problem:
1. While playing around with the login problems I found out, that
allowing anonymous read access brings post-review some steps further,
but then again it stops asking for Web-API credentials although user
name and password were provided via command line. See 
"debug_output_anonymous_read.txt" for the output.

C:\Prompt>post-review --submit-as=username --target-groups= --target-
people=targetuser --diff-filename=rbDiff_File --repository-url=https://
subversion.lan/dev --bugs-closed= --
summary=file.ending/.otherending@revision --description="asdf"  --
server=http://reviewboard.lan --username=dummyUser --
password=DummyPasswd --publish --debug
>>> RBTools 0.3.2
>>> Home = C:\Prompt
>>> svn info https://suversion.landev
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: https://suversion.lan/dev, Base path: /, Suppor

ts changesets: False
>>> HTTP GETting api/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/info/
>>> Using the new web API
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/info/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/info/
>>> repository info: Path: https://suversion.lan/dev, Base path: /, Suppor

ts changesets: False
>>> Attempting to create review request on https://subversion.lan/dev for N
>>> Submitting the review request as rstein
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/: {'submit_as

': 'rstein', 'repository': u'https://subversion.lan/dev'}
>>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in
>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'You are not logged in', u'
code': 103}}
>>> Attempting to create review request on https://subversion.lan/dev for N
>>> Submitting the review request as rstein
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/: {'submit_as

': 'username', 'repository': u'https://subversion/dev'}
==> HTTP Authentication Required
Enter authorization information for "Web API" at reviewboard.lan
Username: username

2. The behavior of post-review 0.2 on osx does not differ from the one
on windows, that was wrong. The difference resulted from the fact,
that I had a valid cookie in my ".postreview-cookies.txt" on osx. As
soon as I copy that cookie to the windows machine, I can authenticate
there as well.

3. With the valid cookie in my .postreview-cookies.txt file it seems
to to ignore any credentials on the command line. I start pushing a
diff-file with a --username= argument, but without password. post-
review then prompts for a password, as expected. But no matter what I
type there, the operation will always succeed due to the cookie. Does
review-board use the cookie as fallback authentication method if the
password is false? I would expect the operation to fail if I provide a
specific user name and an invalid password is typed. Maybe this is
related to this older bug: 
See "debug_output_withoutcookie.txt" for an example.

C:\Prompt>post-review --submit-as=username --target-groups= --target-
people=targetuser --diff-filename=rbDiff_File --repository-url=https://
subversion.lan/dev --bugs-closed= --
summary=file.ending/.otherending@revision --description="asdf"  --
server=http://reviewboard.lan --username=admin --publish --debug
>>> RBTools 0.3.2
>>> Home = C:\Users\rstein.MR\AppData\Roaming
>>> svn info https://subversion.lan/dev
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: https://subversion.lan/dev, Base path: /, Suppor

ts changesets: False
>>> HTTP GETting api/

==> HTTP Authentication Required
Enter authorization information for "Web API" at reviewboard.fme.lan
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/info/
>>> Using the new web API
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/info/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/info/
>>> repository info: Path: https://subversion.lan/dev, Base path: /, Suppor

ts changesets: False
>>> Attempting to create review request on https://subversion.lan/dev for N
>>> Submitting the review request as rstein
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/: {'submit_as

': 'rstein', 'repository': u'https://subversion.lan/dev'}
>>> Review request created
>>> Attempting to set field 'target_people' to 'targetuser' for review request
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/127/draft/: {

'target_people': 'admin,rstein'}
>>> Attempting to set field 'summary' to 'file.ending/.otherending@revision' f

or review request '127'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/127/draft/: {

'summary': 'file.ending/.otherending@revision'}
>>> Attempting to set field 'description' to 'asdf' for review request '127'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.fme.lan/api/review-requests/127/draft/: {

'description': 'asdf'}
>>> Uploading diff, size: 2838
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/127/diffs/: {
'basedir': '/'}
>>> Publishing
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/127/draft/: {

'public': 1}
Review request #127 posted.


I tried to reformat the mail to make it less hard to follow my arguments - 
hopefully it worked.

Regards, Ruben

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