I renable Debug mode, because we are experiencing some strange behavior on 
some reviews, when we try to update some reviews. Seems like when the 
developers submit publish the nothing happens and the new review does not 
get published. 

I have the following warring and this may or may not explain such behavior 
or any other potential issue.


 - Cache data for key 
 (length 1706544) may be too big for the cache.


 RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField User.last_login received a naive datetime 
(2014-05-21 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.


 DeprecationWarning: Using mimetype keyword argument is deprecated, use 
content_type instead
  super(HttpResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Is there any way to increase the level of verbosity, so far the only change 
that I made is enable "DEBUG = True" on settings_local.py

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