Can you see what happens when you run this:

    $ rb-site manage /path/to/site shell
    >>> from import ReviewRequest
    >>> from django.db.models import Q
    >>> qs = ReviewRequest.objects.public(status=None, 
extra_status=Q(status=‘P’) | Q(status=’S’))
    >>> qs = qs.select_related(‘submitter’, ‘diffset_history’)
    >>> qs = qs.prefetch_related(‘diffset_history__diffsets__files’)
    >>> print qs.count()

This is what it’s running when it’s trying to index the review requests, but 
it’s claiming it’s finding 0 results. I want to sanity-check this.


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
Beanbag, Inc. -

On July 1, 2014 at 11:25:02 AM, Ian ( wrote:

Anyone have any ideas?  =\

On Thursday, June 26, 2014 4:25:29 PM UTC-7, Ian wrote:
$ sudo -u _www rb-site manage /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/ReviewBoard 
rebuild_index -- -v 3
WARNING: This will irreparably remove EVERYTHING from your search index in 
connection 'default'.
Your choices after this are to restore from backups or rebuild via the 
`rebuild_index` command.
Are you sure you wish to continue? [y/N] y
Removing all documents from your index because you said so.
All documents removed.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.Permission'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.Group'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.sites.models.Site'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.sessions.models.Session'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.extensions.models.RegisteredExtension'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.siteconfig.models.SiteConfiguration'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.ReviewRequestVisit'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.Profile'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.LocalSiteProfile'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.attachments.models.FileAttachment'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.changedescs.models.ChangeDescription'>' - no 
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.FileDiffData'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.FileDiff'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.DiffSet'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.DiffSetHistory'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.extensions.models.RegisteredExtension'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.hostingsvcs.models.HostingServiceAccount'>' - no 
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - 
no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no 
Indexing 0 review requests
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no 
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.scmtools.models.Tool'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.scmtools.models.Repository'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django_evolution.models.Version'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django_evolution.models.Evolution'>' - no index.

On Thursday, June 26, 2014 4:09:50 PM UTC-7, Christian Hammond wrote:
What does rebuild_index with -v 3 show?


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
Beanbag, Inc. -

On June 26, 2014 at 2:32:22 PM, Ian ( wrote:

Looks like I have django_haystack-2.1.0-py2.7.egg and Whoosh-2.6.0-py2.7.egg 

Everything appears to be writable by the web server (_www).

$ ls -l /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/ReviewBoard
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  admin  204 Dec  5  2013 conf
drwxr-xr-x  4 _www  admin  136 Jun 26 02:06 data
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  admin  204 Jun 19 13:00 htdocs
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  admin   68 Dec  5  2013 logs
drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 Dec  5  2013 tmp

$ ls -l /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/ReviewBoard/data
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 _www  admin  102 Jun 26 02:06 search-index

$ ls -l /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/ReviewBoard/data/search-index/
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 _www  admin  3558 Jun 26 02:06 _MAIN_0.toc

This is what -v 3 said.

$ sudo -u _www rb-site manage /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/ReviewBoard 
update_index -- -v 3
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.Permission'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.Group'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.sites.models.Site'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.sessions.models.Session'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.extensions.models.RegisteredExtension'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.siteconfig.models.SiteConfiguration'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.ReviewRequestVisit'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.Profile'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.accounts.models.LocalSiteProfile'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.attachments.models.FileAttachment'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.changedescs.models.ChangeDescription'>' - no 
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.FileDiffData'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.FileDiff'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.DiffSet'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.diffviewer.models.DiffSetHistory'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'djblets.extensions.models.RegisteredExtension'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.hostingsvcs.models.HostingServiceAccount'>' - no 
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - 
no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no 
Indexing 0 review requests
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 
''>' - no 
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.scmtools.models.Tool'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'reviewboard.scmtools.models.Repository'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class ''>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django_evolution.models.Version'>' - no index.
Skipping '<class 'django_evolution.models.Evolution'>' - no index.


On Thursday, June 26, 2014 11:57:57 AM UTC-7, Christian Hammond wrote:
Hi Ian,

Just to check, is that directory and everything in it writeable by the web 

Try running update_index with -v 3. You should hopefully get more useful info 
out of it.

Also, which versions of Haystack and Whoosh?


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
Beanbag, Inc. -

On June 26, 2014 at 2:11:36 AM, Ian ( wrote:

I'm trying to use Search with ReviewBoard 2.0.2.  I simply checked "Enable 
search" and left the "Search index directory" empty (which the docs say lets it 
use the default).  Then I did rb-site manage /path/to/my/site rebuild_index 
which warned me and then said this.
Removing all documents from your index because you said so.
All documents removed.
Indexing 0 review requests

update_index similarly said that it was indexing nothing.  The data directory 
in my site directory does now have a search-index directory, in which is a 
_MAIN_0.toc file, but as far as I can tell search isn't working at all.  Any 
idea how I can fix this?
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