Hi, Christian --

Is this output helpful in determining what to do next?

Thank you!


On Friday, March 11, 2016 at 12:21:17 PM UTC-7, Michael Lund wrote:
> The server is running Django 1.4.22
> Here is the requested output:
> >>> from django_evolution.models import Version
> >>> for v in Version.objects.order_by('pk'):
> ...    print '%s - %s - %s' % (v.pk, v.evolutions.count(), v.when)
> ...
> 1 - 7 - 2010-03-05 15:48:24+00:00
> 2 - 7 - 2011-03-06 15:09:29+00:00
> 3 - 0 - 2012-03-23 19:19:59+00:00
> 4 - 13 - 2012-03-23 19:20:53+00:00
> 5 - 6 - 2016-03-09 23:59:00+00:00
> >>>
> And, the results of Risha's invocation:
> [root@reviewboard2 conf]# rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard.quantum.com 
> evolve -- --hint
> #----- Evolution for auth
> from django_evolution.mutations import ChangeMeta, DeleteModel
>     ChangeMeta('Permission', 'unique_together', ((u'content_type', 
> u'codename'),)),
>     DeleteModel('Message')
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for contenttypes
> from django_evolution.mutations import ChangeMeta
>     ChangeMeta('ContentType', 'unique_together', (('app_label', 'model'),))
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for accounts
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, ChangeMeta, DeleteField
> from django.db import models
> from djblets.db.fields import JSONField
>     AddField('Profile', 'default_use_rich_text', models.NullBooleanField, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('Profile', 'should_send_email', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=True),
>     AddField('Profile', 'timezone', models.CharField, initial=u'UTC', 
> max_length=30),
>     AddField('Profile', 'open_an_issue', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=True),
>     AddField('Profile', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('Profile', 'show_closed', models.BooleanField, initial=True),
>     AddField('Profile', 'should_send_own_updates', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=True),
>     DeleteField('Profile', 'show_submitted'),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestVisit', 'visibility', models.CharField, 
> initial=u'V', max_length=1),
>     ChangeMeta('ReviewRequestVisit', 'unique_together', ((u'user', 
> u'review_request'),)),
>     ChangeMeta('ReviewRequestVisit', 'index_together', [(u'user', 
> u'visibility')]),
>     AddField('LocalSiteProfile', 'permissions', JSONField, null=True),
>     ChangeMeta('LocalSiteProfile', 'unique_together', ((u'user', 
> u'local_site'), (u'profile', u'local_site')))
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for attachments
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, ChangeField
> from django.db import models
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'orig_filename', models.CharField, 
> max_length=256, null=True),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'added_in_filediff', models.ForeignKey, 
> null=True, related_model='diffviewer.FileDiff'),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'attachment_revision', models.IntegerField, 
> initial=0),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'repository', models.ForeignKey, null=True, 
> related_model='scmtools.Repository'),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'repo_revision', models.CharField, 
> max_length=64, null=True, db_index=True),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'attachment_history', models.ForeignKey, 
> null=True, related_model='attachments.FileAttachmentHistory'),
>     AddField('FileAttachment', 'repo_path', models.CharField, 
> max_length=1024, null=True),
>     ChangeField('FileAttachment', 'file', initial=None, max_length=512)
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for changedescs
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField
> from django.db import models
>     AddField('ChangeDescription', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False)
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for diffviewer
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, DeleteField
> from django.db import models
> from djblets.db.fields import Base64Field
> from djblets.db.fields import JSONField
>     AddField('DiffSet', 'base_commit_id', models.CharField, max_length=64, 
> null=True, db_index=True),
>     AddField('DiffSet', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('DiffSetHistory', 'last_diff_updated', models.DateTimeField, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('DiffSetHistory', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'diff_hash', models.ForeignKey, null=True, 
> db_column=u'raw_diff_hash_id', related_model='diffviewer.RawFileDiffData'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'parent_diff_hash', models.ForeignKey, null=True, 
> db_column=u'raw_parent_diff_hash_id', 
> related_model='diffviewer.RawFileDiffData'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'diff64', Base64Field, initial=u'', 
> db_column=u'diff_base64'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'parent_diff64', Base64Field, initial=u'', 
> db_column=u'parent_diff_base64'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'legacy_diff_hash', models.ForeignKey, null=True, 
> db_column=u'diff_hash_id', related_model='diffviewer.LegacyFileDiffData'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'legacy_parent_diff_hash', models.ForeignKey, 
> null=True, db_column=u'parent_diff_hash_id', 
> related_model='diffviewer.LegacyFileDiffData'),
>     AddField('FileDiff', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     DeleteField('FileDiff', 'parent_diff'),
>     DeleteField('FileDiff', 'diff')
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for reviews
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, ChangeField, ChangeMeta, 
> DeleteField
> from django.db import models
> from djblets.db.fields import CounterField
> from djblets.db.fields import JSONField
>     AddField('Comment', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('Comment', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('Group', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('Group', 'is_default_group', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('Group', 'email_list_only', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=True),
>     ChangeField('Group', 'mailing_list', initial=None, max_length=254),
>     ChangeMeta('Group', 'unique_together', ((u'name', u'local_site'),)),
>     AddField('FileAttachmentComment', 'diff_against_file_attachment', 
> models.ForeignKey, null=True, related_model='attachments.FileAttachment'),
>     AddField('FileAttachmentComment', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('FileAttachmentComment', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('Review', 'body_top_rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('Review', 'body_bottom_rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('Review', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('Review', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'description_rich_text', 
> models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'depends_on', models.ManyToManyField, 
> null=True, related_model='reviews.ReviewRequest'),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'commit_id', models.CharField, 
> max_length=64, null=True, db_index=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequestDraft', 'testing_done_rich_text', 
> models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'last_review_activity_timestamp', 
> models.DateTimeField, null=True, db_column=u'last_review_timestamp'),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'issue_dropped_count', CounterField, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'description_rich_text', 
> models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'depends_on', models.ManyToManyField, 
> null=True, related_model='reviews.ReviewRequest'),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'commit_id', models.CharField, 
> max_length=64, null=True, db_index=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'issue_resolved_count', CounterField, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'issue_open_count', CounterField, null=True),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'file_attachment_histories', 
> models.ManyToManyField, related_model='attachments.FileAttachmentHistory'),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'testing_done_rich_text', 
> models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('ReviewRequest', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     DeleteField('ReviewRequest', 'last_review_timestamp'),
>     ChangeMeta('ReviewRequest', 'unique_together', ((u'commit_id', 
> u'repository'), (u'changenum', u'repository'), (u'local_site', 
> u'local_id'))),
>     AddField('ScreenshotComment', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
> initial=False),
>     AddField('ScreenshotComment', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True)
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for scmtools
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, ChangeMeta, DeleteField
> from django.db import models
> from djblets.db.fields import JSONField
>     AddField('Repository', 'encrypted_password', models.CharField, 
> initial=u'', max_length=128, db_column=u'password'),
>     AddField('Repository', 'archived_timestamp', models.DateTimeField, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('Repository', 'archived', models.BooleanField, initial=False),
>     AddField('Repository', 'hosting_account', models.ForeignKey, 
> null=True, related_model='hostingsvcs.HostingServiceAccount'),
>     AddField('Repository', 'hooks_uuid', models.CharField, max_length=32, 
> null=True),
>     AddField('Repository', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
>     DeleteField('Repository', 'password'),
>     ChangeMeta('Repository', 'unique_together', ((u'name', u'local_site'), 
> (u'archived_timestamp', u'path', u'local_site'), (u'hooks_uuid', 
> u'local_site')))
> ]
> #----------------------
> #----- Evolution for site
> from django_evolution.mutations import AddField
> from django.db import models
>     AddField('LocalSite', 'public', models.BooleanField, initial=False)
> ]
> #----------------------
> Trial evolution successful.
> On Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 6:17:04 PM UTC-7, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Sounds like some state got messed up on your end, too.
> Can you find the script I had Risha run (the one with the Version import)? 
> Any other info you can provide that we went through earlier on the thread 
> would also help.
> Basically... That KeyError means you have state missing that really should 
> be there. The core issue needs to be diagnosed and fixed.
> What version of Django Evolution are you running?  
> Christian
> On Thursday, March 10, 2016, Michael Lund <lund.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a straightforward way to determine the location of the offending 
> key?
> I wonder whether I can circumvent some issues by upgrading incrementally 
> to intermediate versions of ReviewBoard -- I'm taking a pretty big leap.  I 
> have installed via easy_install, which has of course taken the latest 
> version.  How can I "tune down" the installed version of ReviewBoard via 
> easy_install, and can you recommend any intermediate version?  This doesn't 
> work when executed as root:  easy_install ReviewBoard==1.7.22.
> On Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 1:31:11 PM UTC-7, Michael Lund wrote:
> Hi, Christian --
> I am encountering an error similar to the one described in this posting.  
> This posting is the only one I can find on the Internet dealing with the 
> error -- 'KeyError: u'FileDiffData'.  I hope it is alright to append, and 
> if not, I am happy to open a new thread.
> I am moving from ReviewBoard version to  2.5.3.  There are no 
> out-of-space issues.  I have followed Risha's procedure, including 
> migrating all tables to InnoDB.  I ran 
> rb-site manage . . . syncdb
> then
> rb-site upgrade
> The result is shown below.  I do know that at some point in the past, this 
> database was running on SQLite and was migrated to MySQL after a fair 
> amount of difficulty.  I don't dismiss the possibility that this error 
> might be due to leftovers from that series of events.
> Please let me know what diagnostic information I can provide.
> Mike
> Here is the output:
> # rb-site upgrade /var/www/reviewboard.quantum.com
> Rebuilding directory structure
> Updating database. This may take a while.
> The log output below, including warnings and errors,
> can be ignored unless upgrade fails.
> ------------------ <begin log output> ------------------
> Creating tables ...
> There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
> There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
> There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
> There are unapplied evolutions for attachments.
> There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> There are unapplied evolutions for site.
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Installing custom SQL ...
> Installing indexes ...
> Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> ERROR:root:Unexpected error: u'FileDiffData'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 65, in handle
>     self.evolve(*app_labels, **options)
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 125, in evolve
>     sql.extend(self.evolve_app(app))
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 164, in evolve_app
>     app_mutator.run_mutations(mutations)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 279, in run_mutations
>     self.run_mutation(mutation)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 268, in run_mutation
>     model_mutator.run_mutation(mutation)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 165, in run_mutation
>     mutation.mutate(self, self.create_model())
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 446, in mutate
>     self.add_column(mutator, model)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 450, in add_column
>     self.field_type, self.field_attrs, model)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 37, in create_field
>     related_model_sig = proj_sig[related_app_name][related_model_name]
> KeyError: u'FileDiffData'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/rb-site", line 9, in <module>
>     load_entry_point('ReviewBoard==2.5.3', 'console_scripts', 'rb-site')()
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ReviewBoard-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.py",
> line 1922, in main
>     command.run()
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ReviewBoard-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.py",
> line 1725, in run
>     site.migrate_database()
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ReviewBoard-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.py",
> line 452, in migrate_database
>     self.run_manage_command("evolve", ["--noinput", "--execute"])
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ReviewBoard-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.py",
> line 676, in run_manage_command
>     execute_from_command_line([__file__, cmd] + params)
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 
> 399, in execute_from_command_line
>     utility.execute()
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 
> 392, in execute
>     self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", 
> line 242, in run_from_argv
>     self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", 
> line 285, in execute
>     output = self.handle(*args, **options)
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 65, in handle
>     self.evolve(*app_labels, **options)
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 125, in evolve
>     sql.extend(self.evolve_app(app))
>   File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> line 164, in evolve_app
>     app_mutator.run_mutations(mutations)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 279, in run_mutations
>     self.run_mutation(mutation)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 268, in run_mutation
>     model_mutator.run_mutation(mutation)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutators.py", 
> line 165, in run_mutation
>     mutation.mutate(self, self.create_model())
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 446, in mutate
>     self.add_column(mutator, model)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 450, in add_column
>     self.field_type, self.field_attrs, model)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_evolution/mutations.py", 
> line 37, in create_field
>     related_model_sig = proj_sig[related_app_name][related_model_name]
> KeyError: u'FileDiffData'
> On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 7:09:20 PM UTC-6, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Thanks for the follow-up, Risha! I'm glad it's working :) Hopefully this 
> will help someone else down the road.
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian Hammond - chri...@beanbaginc.com
> Review Board - https://www.reviewboard.org
> Beanbag, Inc. - https://www.beanbaginc.com
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:21 PM, Risha Chheda <risha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I managed to get this to work, just updating this thread. 
> The problem was that the mysqldump I had done had truncated some of the 
> data in the diffviewer_filediff table. I had to gzip the mysqldump output 
> and dump it in my test mysql instance. After gzipping the dump was 1.6G. 
> I then converted all the tables from MyISAM to Innodb. Again this was 
> failing for the diffviewer_filediff table with the error 'The table is 
> full' since the VM I was running this on didn't have enough space.  Moving 
> to a physical server from the VM fixed this issue. I've attached the 
> commands I ran along with the mysql settings. 
> Reviewboard with Docker worked beautifully after that. I just had to run 
> the docker instance and it installed reviewboard, connected to my database, 
> performed all the evolutions and started hosting immediately. 
> Thanks,
> Risha
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Christian Hammond <
> chri...@beanbaginc.com> wrote:
> Hi Risha,
> Hmm, I'm not seeing what I was expecting to see there.
> It's possible that there's a bug in upgrading to 2.5, due to one of the 
> changes we've made. I'm going to be investigating this. For now, I'd 
> suggest taking a copy of the 1.6 database and upgrading to the latest 2.0.x 
> release instead of 2.5 beta.
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian Hammond - chri...@beanbaginc.com
> Review Board - https://www.reviewboard.org
> Beanbag, Inc. - https://www.beanbaginc.com
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Risha Chheda <risha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if it makes any difference but yesterday I ran the rb-site 
> manage evolve --hint and execute commands. I have attached the output of 
> both of those in the attached document. It didn't seem to make a 
> difference, rb-site upgrade still gives me the same issue. ​
>  rb-site_evolve 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eg47ZY25Zzx4rOnWk-WWPaUOEF33emWx3S16PruRmZE/edit?usp=drive_web>
> ​
> Here is the output you requested. 
> >>> from django_evolution.models import Version
> >>> for v in Version.objects.order_by('pk'):
> ...    print '%s - %s - %s' % (v.pk, v.evolutions.count(), v.when)
> ...
> 1 - 0 - 2008-05-19 20:11:53+00:00
> 2 - 0 - 2008-09-24 10:08:29+00:00
> 3 - 1 - 2008-09-24 10:09:01+00:00
> 4 - 0 - 2008-10-27 16:17:08+00:00
> 5 - 1 - 2008-10-27 16:17:25+00:00
> 6 - 11 - 2011-03-08 05:21:06+00:00
> 7 - 2 - 2011-10-17 12:15:42+00:00
> 8 - 0 - 2012-10-13 09:34:28+00:00
> 9 - 13 - 2012-10-13 09:34:36+00:00
> 10 - 3 - 2015-07-13 22:41:16+00:00
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 2:58 AM, Christian Hammond <chri...@beanbaginc.com
> > wrote:
> Can you run the following:
> $ rb-site manage /path/to/site shell
> >>> from django_evolution.models import Version
> >>> for v in Version.objects.order_by('pk'):
> >>>    print '%s - %s - %s' % (v.pk, v.evolutions.count(), v.when)
> That'll give me a sense of what evolutions are applied. There's a 
> hard-to-diagnose issue that's come up before where an invalid entry ends up 
> in the history, throwing things off, and this will help me check for that.
> Thanks,
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian Hammond - chri...@beanbaginc.com
> Review Board - https://www.reviewboard.org
> Beanbag, Inc. - https://www.beanbaginc.com
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Risha Chheda <risha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, that doesn't help either. 
> # rb-site manage /var/ReviewBoard syncdb
> Creating tables ...
> There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
> The following content types are stale and need to be deleted:
>     auth | message
> Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
> be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
> If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
>     Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
> There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
> There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
> There are unapplied evolutions for attachments.
> There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
> There are unapplied evolutions for hostingsvcs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> There are unapplied evolutions for site.
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Installing custom SQL ...
> Installing indexes ...
> Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> root@05e83c8f5ab7:/# rb-site upgrade /var/ReviewBoard
> ......
> ......
> <Same error as the original email>
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Christian Hammond <chri...@beanbaginc.com
> > wrote:
> Hi Risha,
> That's strange. It's like some state is missing there.
> Can you try doing this first:
>     $ rb-site manage /var/ReviewBoard syncdb
> and then do the upgrade? See if that gets any further.
> Christian 
> --
> Christian Hammond - chri...@beanbaginc.com
> Review Board - https://www.reviewboard.org
> Beanbag, Inc. - https://www.beanbaginc.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Risha Chheda <risha...@gmail.com>
> Reply: revie...@googlegroups.com <revie...@googlegroups.com>>
> Date: July 13, 2015 at 3:24:20 PM
> To: revie...@googlegroups.com <revie...@googlegroups.com>>
> Subject:  Upgrading from 1.6.8 to 2.x
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to upgrade reviewboard from 1.6.8 to 2.5.beta and everytime I
> > get this traceback:
> > mysql version I'm testing against is 5.6.25.
> >
> > Both reviewboard and mysql are running in their own docker containers on
> > the same VM.
> > I tried upgrading from 1.6.8 to 2.0.18 as well, but I get the same issue.
> >
> > # rb-site upgrade /var/ReviewBoard
> > Rebuilding directory structure
> > Updating database. This may take a while.
> >
> > The log output below, including warnings and errors,
> > can be ignored unless upgrade fails.
> >
> > ------------------ ------------------
> > Creating tables ...
> > There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for attachments.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for hostingsvcs.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> > There are unapplied evolutions for site.
> > Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> > Installing custom SQL ...
> > Installing indexes ...
> > Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> > ERROR:root:Unexpected error: u'FileDiffData'
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > File
> > 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_evolution-0.7.5-py2.7.egg/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> > line 65, in handle
> > self.evolve(*app_labels, **options)
> > File
> > 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_evolution-0.7.5-py2.7.egg/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> > line 125, in evolve
> > sql.extend(self.evolve_app(app))
> > File
> > 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_evolution-0.7.5-py2.7.egg/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py",
> > line 164, in evolve_app
> > app_mutator.run_mutations(mutations)
> > File
> > 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_evolution-0.7.5-py2.7.egg/django_evolution/mutators.py",
> > line 279, in run_mutations
> > self.run_mutation(mutation)
> > File
> > "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/
> ...

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