
We noticed some questionable behavior in our app, so I wanted to check with 
you guys too. We are currently using ReviewBoard 2.5.9. We have defined one 
review group and that group has its mail defined. Our mail server then 
knows what recipients should be addressed when mail is sent to that mail 

Lets say someone from that review group publishes a comment on a review 
that is made for review group. In this case every person in that mailing 
group receives only one mail.
But when someone (that is also listed as a member of review group) replies 
to this comment, person that first made comment will receive two mails - 
one for mailing group and one for himself. I am not sure who's 
responsibility is to handle this situation (if it is possible to manage it) 
- our mail server or review board. My question is, is this double mail 
notification excepted behavior or not?

Thanks in advance

Antonio Soldo

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