Yeah it is.

[Thu Nov 02 15:25:45 2017] [error] ERROR:root:Unable to load repository 
hosting service rbgateway = 
reviewboard.hostingsvcs.rbgateway:ReviewBoardGateway: (Pygments 1.1.1 
(/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages), Requirement.parse('Pygments>=2.1'))

is one example of the errors I'm seeing. which is really weird since I 
installed and configured RB using python2.7, not 2.6.

On Thursday, 2 November 2017 00:51:25 UTC-6, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> It does sound like a version mismatch error then. Can you check the Apache 
> error log for anything saying VersionMismatch?
> Christian
> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 08:31 Ken Rachynski < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Oh, the only Hosting Service I see in the Add a Repository page is GitHub 
>> Enterprise.
>> This is the output of `pip list`:
>> asn1crypto (0.23.0)
>> bcrypt (3.1.4)
>> cffi (1.11.2)
>> cryptography (2.1.2)
>> Django (1.6.11)
>> django-evolution (0.7.7)
>> django-haystack (2.4.1)
>> django-multiselectfield (0.1.8)
>> django-pipeline (1.3.27)
>> Djblets (0.9.9)
>> dnspython (1.15.0)
>> docutils (0.14)
>> enum34 (1.1.6)
>> feedparser (5.2.1)
>> futures (3.1.1)
>> idna (2.6)
>> ipaddress (1.0.18)
>> Markdown (2.4.1)
>> mimeparse (0.1.3)
>> MySQL-python (1.2.5)
>> olefile (0.44)
>> paramiko (2.3.1)
>> Pillow (4.3.0)
>> pillowfight (0.3)
>> pip (9.0.1)
>> publicsuffix (1.1.0)
>> pyasn1 (0.3.7)
>> pycparser (2.18)
>> Pygments (2.2.0)
>> PyNaCl (1.1.2)
>> python-dateutil (2.6.1)
>> python-ldap (2.4.45)
>> python-memcached (1.58)
>> pytz (2017.2)
>> recaptcha-client (1.0.6)
>> ReviewBoard (2.5.16)
>> setuptools (36.6.0)
>> six (1.11.0)
>> Whoosh (2.7.4)
>> Ken
>> On Tuesday, 31 October 2017 15:54:32 UTC-6, Christian Hammond wrote:
>>> Hi Ken,
>>> Can you also check the hosting service options? If GitHub, Bitbucket, 
>>> etc. are all present, then the general dependency stuff should be fine. 
>>> Basically, we use a thing called Python Entrypoints to register things like 
>>> the hosting services and authentication backends, and if Review Board has a 
>>> dependency version mismatch (such as requires Django 1.6 but a different 
>>> version is installed), all entrypoints will break. If those hosting 
>>> services are present, then the version mismatches can be ruled out.
>>> If python-ldap wasn't installed, then that was likely the culprit. 
>>> However, it probably just upgraded. You'll need to restart Apache for any 
>>> new version to take effect.
>>> Christian
>>> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:03 PM, Ken Rachynski <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> I thought it was already installed, but pip install -U python-ldap 
>>>> returned this:
>>>> Collecting python-ldap
>>>>   Using cached python-ldap-2.4.45.tar.gz
>>>> Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools in 
>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-ldap)
>>>> Installing collected packages: python-ldap
>>>>   Running install for python-ldap ... done
>>>> Successfully installed python-ldap-2.4.45
>>>> I have 10 repository types listed, though I only need Git.
>>>> Is there anything I can look at to see if a dependency is doing that 
>>>> prevention?
>>>> On Monday, 30 October 2017 13:57:22 UTC-6, Christian Hammond wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>>> It sounds as if the modules needed for AD are no longer installed (or, 
>>>>> potentially, there's a dependency version mismatch error preventing our 
>>>>> AD 
>>>>> backend from loading -- see if there's a full list of repository types in 
>>>>> the Add Repository page).
>>>>> Can you see if the python-ldap package is installed? If you're using 
>>>>> pip or easy_install for Review Board packages, run:
>>>>> $ pip install -U python-ldap
>>>>> Or:
>>>>> $ easy_install -U python-ldap
>>>>> Christian
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 19:24 Ken Rachynski <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, I just tried to do an upgrade with all kinds of "no turning back 
>>>>>> now" errors. I went from to 2.5.16. In the process, I discovered 
>>>>>> that appears to be the last version supported by python 2.6.6. 
>>>>>> So I 
>>>>>> did an upgrade to add python 2.7 to my CentOS 6 server. After much back 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> forth, I managed to get Review Board installed and mostly working. The 
>>>>>> only 
>>>>>> thing that I appear to be missing right now is Active Directory 
>>>>>> authentication; well, any authentication other than Standard 
>>>>>> Registration 
>>>>>> and Legacy Authentication Modules. I can still see my AD configuration 
>>>>>> but 
>>>>>> no amount of twiddling seems to make Review Board use those settings.
>>>>>> I don't see any kind of messages in the logs saying that AD was tried 
>>>>>> and failed, so I'm rather at a loss of how to tell what is actually 
>>>>>> wrong 
>>>>>> with my system. For now, I think I'm just going to add passwords to all 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> users that were AD authed so they can get in and work.
>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
>>>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons: 
>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know!
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag
>>>>> Makers of Review Board
>>>> -- 
>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons: 
>>>> Happy user? Let us know!
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>>> -- 
>>> Christian Hammond
>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <>
>>> Makers of Review Board <>
>> -- 
>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons: 
>> Happy user? Let us know!
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> -- 
> -- 
> Christian Hammond
> President/CEO of Beanbag
> Makers of Review Board

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