Hi Christian -- thanks for the detailed reply. So to explain the request in 
more detail:

We have no concern about the Summary field, nor the repo name or branch. 
It's really only the Description field we care about because it contains 
potentially unbounded amounts of text, and maybe sensitive source code that 
we wouldn't necessarily want unexpected Slack users seeing. Slack channel 
membership is not as tightly controlled as Git repo access is for 
developers -- it's pretty easy to invite someone to a Slack channel, so the 
person posting doesn't always know the exact readership.

Interesting that you mentioned screenshots -- I tested a review with a 
screenshot and that didn't show up in Slack in fact, so I assumed it was 
deliberate. I think if possible we would want to skip attachments in 
principle. It's less clear cut than the Description and probably wouldn't 
be a killer as long as they were just URLs, though if they displayed as 
full images in Slack it would bulk out the notification a lot. We'd prefer 
the Slack notification to be a basic "something changed" type of thing and 
people who care can follow the link back to the review.

Apart from code confidentiality issues, our Slack admins are very nervous 
about any automated process making posts without some kind of size sanity 
checks. I think if the Description field had a maximum length (we'd 
probably choose 100 or 200 chars) that would be a big help to get it 

Thanks for the subclassing suggestion. I might take a look at that.

-- Ben

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