> On June 2, 2017, 10:28 a.m., Zameer Manji wrote:
> > I don't have comment access on the doc, so I will leave my questions here:
> > 
> > 1. Should operators (via executor flags) be able to cap this value? That is 
> > should `STOP_TIMEOUT` be an operator flag?
> > 2. Should the client cap this value and display an error message to the 
> > user?
> > 3. AFAIK, a task can remain in `KILLING` forever. There is no timeout in 
> > the scheduler, as it just retries kills. If a user puts a large value here, 
> > I'm not sure tasks will actually termiante. Please add an e2e test here to 
> > confirm/deny.
> David McLaughlin wrote:
>     For (3), this is exactly what STOP_TIMEOUT in the executor is for. 
>     The issue for STOP_TIMEOUT is it is Thermos-specific and we support 
> multiple executors.
> David McLaughlin wrote:
>     Sorry to be clear: for (1), the issue is we support multiple executors. 
> So we'd need some generic way of passing parameters from the scheduler to the 
> executor. Or to be honest, I don't think the Scheduler should really get to 
> make this decision. What we need is some way of overriding all the magic 
> strings and numbers littered throughout Thermos. But I think this is a 
> separate ticket. All we're really doing here is bumping up a constant timeout 
> from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
> Jordan Ly wrote:
>     On (3), David is correct: STOP_TIMEOUT is essentially a hard limit on how 
> long the KILLING process can go on for. An e2e test might be disruptive since 
> you would have to wait the full 5 minutes for the timeout to be hit --- 
> unless there is another way I am missing :)
>     Could you elaborate on what you mean in (2)?

For (1) we do have a generic way of passing parameters from the scheduler to 
the executor. It is called `thermos_executor_flags` for legacy reasons but it 
can pass arbitrary arguments to the executor.

(3) Thanks for clearing up what `STOP_TIMEOUT` does. 

I have no objection to adding a 5m e2e test. I think capturing this edge case 
behaviour would be worth while.

I was just thinking here that since users can specify a value here, it would be 
nice to control what the cap is. In the linked design it mentions a 10s long 
shutdown, but I can think of valid cases where this value should be 2m or 6m.

It would be nice to add a thermos flag `--maximum_wait_escalation_time` that 
one could set in the scheduler `thermos_executor_flags`

I don't feel too strong about this flag as I could just add it later. However, 
I do feel that an e2e test of some kind here is required to ensure we never 

- Zameer

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On June 1, 2017, 4:48 p.m., Jordan Ly wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/59733/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated June 1, 2017, 4:48 p.m.)
> Review request for Aurora, David McLaughlin, Santhosh Kumar Shanmugham, 
> Stephan Erb, and Zameer Manji.
> Bugs: AURORA-1931
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AURORA-1931
> Repository: aurora
> Description
> -------
> We have some services that require more than the current 10 seconds given to 
> gracefully shutdown (they need to close resources, finish requests, etc).
> We would like to be able to configure the amount of time we wait between each
> stage of the graceful shutdown sequence. See this 
> [proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sl-KWNyt1j0nIndinqfJsH3pkUY5IYXfGWyLHU2wacs/edit?usp=sharing)
>  for a more in-depth
> analysis.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/main/python/apache/aurora/config/schema/base.py 
> b2692a648645a195a24491e4978fb833c6c20be8 
>   src/main/python/apache/aurora/executor/aurora_executor.py 
> 81461cb49ac223f3bdfa59e8c59e150a07771dea 
>   src/main/python/apache/aurora/executor/http_lifecycle.py 
> 9280bf29da9bda1691adbf3a4c34c4f3d4900517 
>   src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/cli/test_inspect.py 
> 4a23c5984c2d093e2f53e93aec71418f84b65928 
>   src/test/python/apache/aurora/executor/test_http_lifecycle.py 
> a967e3410a4d2dc2e1721f505a4d76da9209d177 
>   src/test/python/apache/aurora/executor/test_thermos_task_runner.py 
> 1b92667bceabc8ea1540122477a51cb58ea2ae36 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/59733/diff/1/
> Testing
> -------
> Ran unit and integration tests.
> Created and killed jobs with varying wait_escalation_secs values on the 
> Vagrant devcluster.
> Thanks,
> Jordan Ly

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