Yida Wu has uploaded this change for review. ( 

Change subject: IMPALA-10102 Fix Impalad crashses when writting a parquet file 
with large rows.

IMPALA-10102 Fix Impalad crashses when writting a parquet file with
large rows.

The crash happens due to accessing a null pointer. The reason for the
accessing the null pointer is because there is no enough space left
in the memory pool when the system is suffering memory scarcity,
so the pool returns a null pointer when memory allocation failed,
however the code doesn't verify it and then lead to a crash.

The change is to use TryAllocate instead of Allocate and if it
returns null pointer then returns an error status. The change is
added to two places which are supposed to cause the crash.

Note: The change fixes the crash issue, however in practice, there
still be an OOM issue which leads the process being killed by the
OS. The change doesn't fix the OOM issue, users need to have a
proper configuration on the mem_limit(start-up option) to avoid the
OOM happens.

Manually redo the test mentioned in the Jira, no crash happens.

Change-Id: I0dee474cceb0c370278d290eb900c05769b23dec
M be/src/exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-table-writer.cc
M be/src/runtime/mem-pool.h
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

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Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0dee474cceb0c370278d290eb900c05769b23dec
Gerrit-Change-Number: 16638
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Yida Wu <wydbaggio...@gmail.com>

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