Riza Suminto has uploaded this change for review. ( 

Change subject: IMPALA-12005: Describe executor group set selection in query 

IMPALA-12005: Describe executor group set selection in query profile

This patch adds new profile counters under Frontend profile node to
describe executor group set selection during query planning. It modifies
FrontendProfile.java to allow one level of TRuntimeProfileNode nesting
under Frontend profile node. This makes it possible to group profile
counters specific to individual executor group set in consideration.

This patch also adds some function overloading in runtime-profile.cc to
hide TotalTime and InactiveTotalTime that is meaningless for anything
under Frontend profile node. Additional context also added into
AnalysisException thrown when none of executor group set fits the query

This is how Frontend profile node look like after running

      Referenced Tables: tpcds_parquet.store_sales
       - CpuCountDivisor: 0.20
       - EffectiveParallelism: 7 (7)
       - ExecutorGroupConsidered: 3 (3)
      Executor group 1 (root.tiny):
        Verdict: not enough cpu cores
         - CpuAsk: 15 (15)
         - CpuMax: 2 (2)
         - MemoryAsk: 36.83 MB (38617088)
         - MemoryMax: 64.00 MB (67108864)
      Executor group 2 (root.small):
        Verdict: not enough cpu cores
         - CpuAsk: 25 (25)
         - CpuMax: 16 (16)
         - MemoryAsk: 36.83 MB (38624004)
         - MemoryMax: 64.00 MB (67108864)
      Executor group 3 (root.large):
        Verdict: Match
         - CpuAsk: 35 (35)
         - CpuMax: 192 (192)
         - MemoryAsk: 36.84 MB (38633570)
         - MemoryMax: 8388608.00 GB (9007199254740992)

- Pass core tests

Change-Id: I6c0ac7f5216d631e4439fe97702e21e06d2eda8a
M be/src/service/client-request-state.cc
M be/src/service/client-request-state.h
M be/src/service/impala-server.cc
M be/src/util/runtime-profile.cc
M be/src/util/runtime-profile.h
M common/thrift/Frontend.thrift
M fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/planner/Planner.java
M fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/service/Frontend.java
M fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/service/FrontendProfile.java
M tests/custom_cluster/test_executor_groups.py
10 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.cloudera.org:29418/Impala-ASF refs/changes/28/19628/1
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Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6c0ac7f5216d631e4439fe97702e21e06d2eda8a
Gerrit-Change-Number: 19628
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Riza Suminto <riza.sumi...@cloudera.com>

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