Henry Robinson has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: IMPALA-2905: Handle coordinator fragment lifecycle like all 

Patch Set 11:


File be/src/exec/plan-root-sink.h:

Line 32: /// Sink which manages the handoff between a 'sender' (a fragment 
instance) that produces
> differentiate fragment/instance

Line 50: /// The sink is thread safe up to a single producer and single 
> i'm still nervous about the ping-pong behavior that this implementation req
Done - filed IMPALA-4268 because there's quite a lot of nuance to doing that 
efficiently that I don't want to expand upon here.

File be/src/runtime/coordinator.cc:

PS10, Line 43: #include "exec/plan-root-sink.h"
             : #include "exec/scan-node.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/Frontend_types.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_constants.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/Partitions_types.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
             : #include "runtime/backend-client.h"
             : #include "runtime/client-cache.h"
> what's with the reordering?
clang-format, putting includes in alphabetical order. Not quite sure why there 
was a line-break between two groups, but I've removed that.

Line 484:       && query_ctx_.request.query_options.mem_limit > 0) {
> is there any reason to do this here, instead of in start..()? this makes it
Done - moved to both Start...() methods.

Line 488:       schedule_.request_pool(), exec_env_->process_mem_tracker());
> why does this still need to be done here? i wouldn't expect to see any more
We still need a mem tracker for runtime filters and result caching, I fixed up 
the comments. A follow on task I have is to move result caching into the 
coordinator, so the QES doesn't need to access this memtracker.

Line 524:     RETURN_IF_ERROR(prepare_status);
> is there any reason why you need both root_finstance_ and executor_? execut

Line 611:     for (int fragment_idx = 0; fragment_idx < 
request.fragments.size(); ++fragment_idx) {
> remove references to remote fragments, they're all remote now, unless you m

Line 1129:   if (has_called_wait_) return Status::OK();
> you already called this in Exec(). no harm, i guess, but i'm also scratchin
I had once run into a case where Wait() was called even though Prepare() failed 
(which would hang WaitForOpenPlan()), but I think that must have been a bug. I 
have a DCHECK in WaitForOpenPlan() now to ensure that it is only called after 

Line 1164:       << "checked?";
> i find this formatting counterproductive, everything is bunched up on the r
This is automatically formatted by clang-format. It's very hard to make it stay 
on two lines, because it won't allow:

  DCHECK(...) << "msg"
    << "msg2"

replacing it with:

  DCHECK(...) << "msg"
              << "msg2"

but you can at least reduce the line count of the message by putting it all on 
the next line:
    << "msg" << "msg2" .....
    << "msg3" // and so on

That's the best I could come up with, and I think it's readable, so I've 
changed it to that.

There are going to be a few kinks with clang-format as we integrate it more. 
I'll keep a list to see if there's anything we can do about the ones that 
reviews flag.

Line 1179:     // Don't return final NULL until all instances have completed.  
GetNext must wait for
> have you tried removing that call? something about lifecycle problems?
I looked into this in some detail. This should be moved, but doing so is 
non-trivial and so out of scope for this patch. See IMPALA-4275 for the gory 

Line 1232:     if (!request.fragments[i].__isset.plan) continue;
> why is this necessary? intuitively i'd assume that initialization doesn't n
I don't think it's required. Although InitExecProfile() won't be called 
concurrently with UpdateExecStatus(), a barrier is theoretically needed to 
ensure that the writes from this thread are visible to the reporting thread. 
But there are other barriers in this thread that suffice.

Line 1284:           Substitute("Averaged Fragment $0", 
request.fragments[i].display_name), true));
> i think we should get rid of the specialization of the coord instance, incl
The only difference now is that there's no average (because it would, of 
course, tell us nothing new), and the title is different. We probably need to 
keep the title because of tooling dependencies. Do you think we should have an 
average for fragments with only one instance?

Line 1925:   TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx fragment_instance_ctx;
> resolve?
This probably should have been removed already - I think it was duping error 
logs (since there's a FragmentInstanceState for the root fragment instance).

Line 2131:     FilterState* state = &it->second;
> would be better not to have to reach into the executor here. why not also i
I'm not sure 100% sure what you're suggesting here. 

I think it's best to interact with the root sink directly - I don't want to add 
PFExecutor::TearDown() because that more tightly couples the lifecycle of the 
PFE with the coordinator. I've cached the root_sink_ pointer so that only that 
needs to be accessed. Eventually I think we can get rid of executor_ 
completely, but that requires removing the runtime state dependency here and in 

File be/src/runtime/coordinator.h:

PS10, Line 37: #include "common/global-types.h"
             : #include "common/hdfs.h"
             : #include "common/status.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/Frontend_types.h"
             : #include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
             : #include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
             : #include "scheduling/simple-scheduler.h"
             : #include "service/fragment-exec-state.h"
             : #include "service/fragment-mgr.h"
             : #include "util/histogram-metric.h"
             : #include "util/progress-updater.h"
             : #include "util/runtime-profile.h"
> what's this about?
clang-format will put these in alphabetical order. I like it - we used to keep 
gen-cpp includes separate but I don't see the point any more.

Line 76: /// Query coordinator: handles execution of fragment instances on 
remote nodes, given a
> update. also describe result materialization logic somewhere.

Line 111:       RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* events);
> that doesn't seem quite right, or at least not very precise, Exec() calls W
Done - I don't want to mention that the implementation waits for Prepare() here 
as that's specific to this implementation, and something I want to remove in a 
follow-on patch (we should move that to Wait(), but it complicates things too 
much for this patch).

Line 124:   Status Wait();
> num_results -> num_rows?
max_rows - even more clear about the semantics.

Line 280: 
> owner? who creates this?

Line 395:   /// Throughput counters for the coordinator fragment
> set where?
After further consideration, this isn't necessary. Once WaitForPrepare() 
returns successfully, there's no need to keep the exec state around because the 
fragment instance will last until the consumer closes the sink.

File be/src/runtime/plan-fragment-executor.cc:

Line 407
> we're purposely logging here before returning.
Done - not sure how useful this is, but I don't want to break it now.

Line 214:       DataSink::CreateDataSink(obj_pool(), 
> use TDataSink.type instead

Line 274:   profile()->AddInfoString(HdfsScanNode::HDFS_SPLIT_STATS_DESC, 
> long line

Line 292:       
> we already have too many counters that people don't understand, does this r
I think it's useful to have a coarse breakdown of where the time is spent for 
each fragment instance.

Line 306:   }
> differentiate fragment vs. instance

Line 328:   } else if (!status.IsCancelled() && !status.IsMemLimitExceeded()) {
> done_ apparently doesn't simply mean opened.

File be/src/runtime/plan-fragment-executor.h:

Line 55: ///     if (Prepare().ok()) {
> PreparePlan/OpenPlan/ExecPlan or Prepare/Open/Exec?

Line 112:   /// exec node tree. report_status_cb will have been called for the 
final time when
> plan tree -> fragment instance
The fragment instance, to me, describes the whole thing - sink, exec node tree 
and executor to manage it all. How about exec node tree to describe the thing 
that produces rows?

Line 146:   /// Prepare() returns; if Prepare() fails may be nullptr.
> when is it valid to call this?

Line 154:   ExecNode* exec_tree_; // lives in runtime_state_->obj_pool()
> consider renaming to exec_tree_ or something like that to start the process

Line 172:   bool closed_;
> let's pick a different, more meaningful name, we use 'done' all over the pl
Looking at where this is used, I don't think it warrants being a member 
variable. It's only set in GetNext(), and read only for a DCHECK() in 
ExecInternal() which I don't think is particularly useful. I've made it a local 

Line 197:   /// object.
> why do we need this?
To keep the timings visually and logically separate - it makes it easy to 
eyeball the profile to see what part of the instance execution took a long time.

Line 288:   /// OK if the input was exhausted and sent to the sink 
successfully, an error otherwise.
> todo: consolidate across all instances of the same fragment
I think that's in progress elsewhere, so I'll remove this todo and leave the 
other patch to sort it out.

File be/src/service/impala-internal-service.h:

Line 35:     DCHECK(impala_server_ != nullptr);
> why not also move ImpalaServer into the exec env?
Already was, done.

File be/src/service/impala-server.h:

Line 75: /// This class is partially thread-safe. To ensure freedom from 
> please move this into a separate file altogether, there's no need for it to

Line 81: /// query execution states after a timeout period.
> not your fault, i know, but please tighten up the comment, it sounds a bit 

Line 87:  public:
> this is a weird class, these functions are really specific to the subclasse
It depends if you think the QRS should evaluate the output expressions. If not, 
then the caller is going to want to call row-by-row because that's how it 
produces results.

File be/src/service/query-exec-state.cc:

Line 936
> preserve dchecks?
!eos_ is pretty self-evident from the code - FetchRowsInternal() has if (eos_) 

Similarly with coord - there's a check if it's set in FetchRowsInternal().

Line 939
> at least preserve these comments.

Line 945
> what about this?

Line 748:     lock_.lock();
> i find the locking protocol in combination with the several layers of indir

File fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/planner/PlanRootSink.java:

Line 25:  * Sink for the root of a query plan that produces result rows. Allows 
> not specific enough: this also applies to non-root fragment instances that 

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ibb0064ec2f085fa3a5598ea80894fb489a01e4df
Gerrit-PatchSet: 11
Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Henry Robinson <he...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alex Behm <alex.b...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Henry Robinson <he...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Marcel Kornacker <mar...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tim Armstrong <tarmstr...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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