Alexey Serbin has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [kudu-jepsen] added Jenkins script

[kudu-jepsen] added Jenkins script

Added a shell script to build Kudu and run kudu-jepsen tests.

Currently, the set of nodes to run Kudu cluster should be provisioned
prior to running the test.  The test uses the Jenkins slave as the
Jepsen control node, running the control logic and the freshly built
Kudu Java client there.

All Jepsen control operations on the DB nodes (i.e. Kudu master and
tserver nodes) are run via SSH.  The private SSH key should be set prior
to running the test:

  1. The public part of the SSH key should be added into the
     'authorized_keys' file for the root user on all cluster nodes.

  2. The private part of the SSH key should be provided to the test
     either by:
       * adding the key into the SSH agent on the control node
       * specifying the path to the key via environment variable

  1. The Kudu cluster should consist of Linux machines of the same
     architecture and OS distro as the Jenkins slave.  This is because
     the test copies and runs the newly built Kudu server-side binaries
     and the 'kudu' CLI utility on corresponding Kudu cluster nodes.

  2. The kudu-jepsen test supports recent Debian distros only.
     This is because Jepsen lacks support for other Linux distros.

Change-Id: I36a7e890baabb5427b22daa3aeee58ed894b83d6
A src/kudu/scripts/
1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/24/5624/1
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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I36a7e890baabb5427b22daa3aeee58ed894b83d6
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: kudu
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Alexey Serbin <>

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