Will Berkeley has posted comments on this change. ( 
http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/11115 )

Change subject: [location_awareness] Assign locations to registering tablet 

Patch Set 3:


Commit Message:

PS3, Line 21: I also altered the DATA_FILES CMake function so that data files 
            : to the build directory or to slaves by dist-test are executable 
as well
            : as readable. This was necessary for the new TSDescriptor test 
            : tests location assignment.
> nit: does it make sense to separate this into its own patch?
To me, not really. It's an update to a comment and adding two words to one 
line. A separate patch will just be that tiny change and a commit message 
saying "I need to do this for another patch".

File src/kudu/master/ts_descriptor.cc:

PS3, Line 176:     CHECK_EQ(instance.permanent_uuid(), permanent_uuid_);
             :     // TODO(KUDU-418): we don't currently support changing RPC 
addresses since the
             :     // host/port is stored persistently in each tablet's 
             :     if (registration_ &&
             :         !HostPortPBsEqual(registration_->rpc_addresses(), 
registration.rpc_addresses())) {
             :       string msg = strings::Substitute(
             :           "Tablet server $0 is attempting to re-register with a 
different host/port. "
             :           "This is not currently supported. Old: {$1} New: {$2}",
             :           instance.permanent_uuid(),
             :           SecureShortDebugString(*registration_),
             :           SecureShortDebugString(registration));
             :       LOG(ERROR) << msg;
             :       return Status::InvalidArgument(msg);
             :     }
             :     if (registration.rpc_addresses().empty()) {
             :       return Status::InvalidArgument(
             :           "invalid registration: must have at least one RPC 
             :           SecureShortDebugString(registration));
             :     }
             :     if (instance.instance_seqno() < latest_seqno_) {
             :       return Status::AlreadyPresent(
             :         strings::Substitute("Cannot register with sequence 
number $0:"
             :                             " Already have a registration from 
sequence number $1",
             :                             instance.instance_seqno(),
             :                             latest_seqno_));
             :     } else if (instance.instance_seqno() == latest_seqno_) {
             :       // It's possible that the TS registered, but our response 
back to it
             :       // got lost, so it's trying to register again with the 
same sequence
             :       // number. That's fine.
             :       LOG(INFO) << "Processing retry of TS registration from " 
<< SecureShortDebugString(instance);
             :     }
             :     latest_seqno_ = instance.instance_seqno();
             :     registration_.reset(new ServerRegistrationPB(registration));
             :     ts_admin_proxy_.reset();
             :     consensus_proxy_.reset();
> nit: maybe, extract this into a method?  RegisterUnlocked?

PS3, Line 224: ResolveSockaddr
> I have some concerns about using thing method.
1) and 2) are valid points, but they don't apply strictly to this patch. They 
apply to Kudu in general. We don't support multiple RPC addresses for a node. I 
think doing so here would be surprising if the support is lacking elsewhere. 
Why assign a location based on an address that Kudu can never use?

We spoke about the second issue a bit. The script should accept IP or hostname, 
as the address may resolve into either. For this first iteration, it doesn't 
seem necessary to resolve multiple ip/hostnames into locations. If we were to 
do that, we ought to use it, and to use it we'd need to devise some kind of 
batch tablet server registration process or a batch location assignment process 
for clients.

PS3, Line 233: location
> nit: std::move(location) ?

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Gerrit-Project: kudu
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5eb98823ab7b3b8141b8630196c29c1ebf8e6878
Gerrit-Change-Number: 11115
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: Will Berkeley <wdberke...@gmail.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alexey Serbin <aser...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Fengling Wang <fw...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kudu Jenkins
Gerrit-Reviewer: Will Berkeley <wdberke...@gmail.com>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 18:23:48 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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