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(Updated Sept. 6, 2016, 3:08 p.m.)

Review request for mesos and Vinod Kone.



Bugs: MESOS-5949

Repository: mesos


This field contains the time at which the master marked an agent as
unreachable. It will only be set for status updates (including
reconciliation updates) that describe tasks running on unreachable
(e.g., partitioned) agents.

The intent is to help frameworks decide how to handle tasks running on
partitioned agents: since the framework might have missed the initial
TASK_LOST/TASK_UNREACHABLE status update (e.g., due to framework
downtime/failover), it might otherwise be difficult for frameworks to
determine how long an agent has been partitioned.

This unreachable timestamp is stored in the registry and loaded as part
of master recovery.

Diffs (updated)

  include/mesos/mesos.proto 7fbcdf005718ba4d7ec3b02cf70a3fc53d4f4818 
  include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto 60ec0cce35e5e2d2f4907efadc7ab92680566ef0 
  src/common/protobuf_utils.hpp 3324838f0a54491024b3e26ddf38afbfad31b8e4 
  src/common/protobuf_utils.cpp ed3ac7fcdd19bd517c30ee64d4746ea7c01628f1 
  src/master/master.hpp c32c7e9d859ef73216354e2c03ecc07d0009b12f 
  src/master/master.cpp b2a19a645528e8fc1fd48f5ac9929d38c9a76b49 
  src/tests/partition_tests.cpp f3142ad8d50daafcdb70ad9dbb2772f8ba30db00 
  src/tests/reconciliation_tests.cpp 8e438bfbce508a074f0d54513cd752344238e3f2 
  src/tests/registrar_tests.cpp b04fc92c66449f1094212a534899e16d5f6f01bd 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/50845/diff/


make check


Neil Conway

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