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(Updated Jan. 24, 2017, 12:54 a.m.)

Review request for mesos and Vinod Kone.


Simplify into a single loop, per review suggestion.

Bugs: MESOS-6602

Repository: mesos


Previously, if a framework completed (e.g., due to a teardown operation
or framework shutdown), any framework tasks running on partitioned
agents would not be shutdown when the agent re-registered. For tasks
that are not partition-aware, the task would be shutdown on agent
re-registration anyway. But for partition-aware tasks, this could lead
to orphan tasks.

Fix this by changing the master to shutdown such tasks when the agent

Note that if the master fails over between the time the framework
completes and a partitioned agent re-registers, any framework tasks
running on the agent will NOT be shutdown. This is a known bug; fixing
it requires persisting the framework shutdown operation to the registry

Diffs (updated)

  src/master/master.cpp 73159328ce3fd838e02eba0e6a30cf69efc319ba 
  src/tests/partition_tests.cpp e7f64182f39dfdf15d035b43c18bf58aecfc74d1 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/54232/diff/


`make check`


Neil Conway

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