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(Updated Jan. 26, 2017, 4:01 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Anand Mazumdar, Gilbert Song, and Jie Yu.


Tweaked two tests to check for exit codes.  Tweaked/added comments.

Bugs: MESOS-6989

Repository: mesos


The addition of `process::finalize` at the end of some binaries
led to some segfaulting at the end of the binaries' lifetimes.
This is mostly due calling destructors of libprocess actor
wrappers, which require an initialized libprocess to function.

This commit explicitly calls the destructors on the default
and docker executor actors prior to calling `process::finalize`.

Diffs (updated)

  src/docker/executor.cpp f353341c9509532653e2ef8802f20259ce67930c 
  src/launcher/default_executor.cpp a03794934adb93868734f8cf00b337a1bff9b5ab 
  src/tests/default_executor_tests.cpp 8fc7fbeedfab8786c672af1b21cb7fa9a3347266 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/56001/diff/

Testing (updated)

sudo src/mesos-tests --gtest_filter="*ROOT*DOCKER*" --verbose

Checked that all executors exited with status code 0, rather than 11.


Modified two tests to check on exit status code explicitly.

sudo src/mesos-tests 
--gtest_filter="*CommitSuicideOnTaskFailure*:*ROOT_DOCKER_Kill" --verbose


Joseph Wu

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