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(Updated Feb. 8, 2017, 9:28 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Alex Clemmer and Joseph Wu.


Fix dependencies.

Bugs: MESOS-6892

Repository: mesos


Instead of deriving `WindowsLauncher` from `PosixLauncher`,
this commit implements a separate `WindowsLauncher` derived
from `Launcher` parallel to the `PosixLauncher`.

This launcher is then refactored to use Windows' "Job Objects," which
are similar to Linux's cgroups, and enable us to reason about a group
of processes associated with a task/container as a "Job Object"
instead of a root PID and the tree containing its children. The latter
is not a reasonable approach on Windows, and has been the source of
subtle bugs.

The Job Object approach creates a named job with a one-to-one mapping
to the containerizer, and assigns the first process started for the
task to the job object. After being assigned, the Windows kernel
ensures all spawned child processes
(specifically those made with the `CreateProcess` system call) are
also assigned to the named job object. Thus this job object can then
be used to query the process group's resource usage, kill the process
group, and set limits on the process group.

So instead of seeing a process group as a tree and referring to it by
the root process's PID, the `WindowsLauncher` sees a process group as
a named Job Object, the same way the Windows kernel sees it. However,
the containerizer code which interacts with the launcher still refers
to a task group by the singular PID, and so we have a sort of shim
which maps the initial PID to the name of the job object. This is a an
unfortunate consequence of the shared containerizer code being
originally written for POSIX-like systems.

This abstraction sets us up for implementing resource usage limits on
the process group as a whole.


  src/CMakeLists.txt 3a4ace9c8011ac8eec5067cd085fa7fe4166b9ee 
  src/slave/containerizer/mesos/windows_launcher.hpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/slave/containerizer/mesos/windows_launcher.cpp PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/56362/diff/



Andrew Schwartzmeyer

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