viirya commented on a change in pull request #28708:

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1907,23 +2041,39 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
   private class BlockManagerDecommissionManager(conf: SparkConf) {
     @volatile private var stopped = false
-    private val sleepInterval = conf.get(
+    private val blockMigrationThread = new Thread {
+      val sleepInterval = conf.get(
-    private val blockReplicationThread = new Thread {
       override def run(): Unit = {
         var failures = 0
         while (blockManagerDecommissioning
           && !stopped
           && !Thread.interrupted()
           && failures < 20) {
+          logInfo("Iterating on migrating from the block manager.")
           try {
-            logDebug("Attempting to replicate all cached RDD blocks")
-            decommissionRddCacheBlocks()
-            logInfo("Attempt to replicate all cached blocks done")
+            // If enabled we migrate shuffle blocks first as they are more 
+            if (conf.get(config.STORAGE_SHUFFLE_DECOMMISSION_ENABLED)) {
+              logDebug(s"Attempting to replicate all shuffle blocks")
+              offloadShuffleBlocks()
+              logInfo(s"Done starting workers to migrate shuffle blocks")
+            }
+            if (conf.get(config.STORAGE_RDD_DECOMMISSION_ENABLED)) {
+              logDebug(s"Attempting to replicate all cached RDD blocks")
+              decommissionRddCacheBlocks()
+              logInfo(s"Attempt to replicate all cached blocks done")
+            }

Review comment:
       nit: no need for string interpolation s"".

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1790,6 +1822,108 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
+  private class ShuffleMigrationRunnable(peer: BlockManagerId) extends 
Runnable {
+    @volatile var running = true
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      var migrating: Option[(Int, Long)] = None
+      val storageLevel = StorageLevel(
+        useDisk = true,
+        useMemory = false,
+        useOffHeap = false,
+        deserialized = false,
+        replication = 1)
+      logInfo(s"Starting migration thread for ${peer}")
+      // Once a block fails to transfer to an executor stop trying to transfer 
more blocks
+      try {
+        while (running) {
+          val migrating = Option(shufflesToMigrate.poll())
+          migrating match {
+            case None =>
+              logInfo("Nothing to migrate")
+              // Nothing to do right now, but maybe a transfer will fail or a 
new block
+              // will finish being committed.
+              val SLEEP_TIME_SECS = 1
+              Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_SECS * 1000L)
+            case Some((shuffleId, mapId)) =>
+              logInfo(s"Trying to migrate shuffle ${shuffleId},${mapId} to 
+              val blocks =
+                migratableResolver.getMigrationBlocks(shuffleId, mapId)
+              logInfo(s"Got migration sub-blocks ${blocks}")
+              blocks.foreach { case (blockId, buffer) =>
+                logInfo(s"Migrating sub-block ${blockId}")
+                blockTransferService.uploadBlockSync(
+        ,
+                  peer.port,
+                  peer.executorId,
+                  blockId,
+                  buffer,
+                  storageLevel,
+                  null)// class tag, we don't need for shuffle
+                logInfo(s"Migrated sub block ${blockId}")
+              }
+              logInfo(s"Migrated ${shuffleId},${mapId} to ${peer}")
+          }
+        }
+        // This catch is intentionally outside of the while running block.
+        // if we encounter errors migrating to an executor we want to stop.
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          migrating match {
+            case Some(shuffleMap) =>
+              logError("Error ${e} during migration, adding ${shuffleMap} back 
to migration queue")
+              shufflesToMigrate.add(shuffleMap)
+            case None =>
+              logError(s"Error ${e} while waiting for block to migrate")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private val migrationPeers = mutable.HashMap[BlockManagerId, 
+  /**
+   * Tries to offload all shuffle blocks that are registered with the shuffle 
service locally.
+   * Note: this does not delete the shuffle files in-case there is an 
in-progress fetch
+   * but rather shadows them.
+   * Requires an Indexed based shuffle resolver.
+   */
+  def offloadShuffleBlocks(): Unit = {
+    // Update the queue of shuffles to be migrated
+    logInfo("Offloading shuffle blocks")
+    val localShuffles = migratableResolver.getStoredShuffles()
+    logInfo(s"My local shuffles are ${localShuffles.toList}")
+    val newShufflesToMigrate = localShuffles.&~(migratingShuffles).toSeq

Review comment:
       `diff` should be better for readability.

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1934,19 +2084,20 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
-    blockReplicationThread.setDaemon(true)
-    blockReplicationThread.setName("block-replication-thread")
+    blockMigrationThread.setDaemon(true)
+    blockMigrationThread.setName("block-replication-thread")

Review comment:
       nit: block-migration-thread

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1934,19 +2084,20 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
-    blockReplicationThread.setDaemon(true)
-    blockReplicationThread.setName("block-replication-thread")
+    blockMigrationThread.setDaemon(true)
+    blockMigrationThread.setName("block-replication-thread")

Review comment:
       And also applying on some logging info below.

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1790,6 +1822,108 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
+  private class ShuffleMigrationRunnable(peer: BlockManagerId) extends 
Runnable {
+    @volatile var running = true
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      var migrating: Option[(Int, Long)] = None
+      val storageLevel = StorageLevel(
+        useDisk = true,
+        useMemory = false,
+        useOffHeap = false,
+        deserialized = false,
+        replication = 1)
+      logInfo(s"Starting migration thread for ${peer}")
+      // Once a block fails to transfer to an executor stop trying to transfer 
more blocks
+      try {
+        while (running) {
+          val migrating = Option(shufflesToMigrate.poll())
+          migrating match {
+            case None =>
+              logInfo("Nothing to migrate")
+              // Nothing to do right now, but maybe a transfer will fail or a 
new block
+              // will finish being committed.
+              val SLEEP_TIME_SECS = 1
+              Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_SECS * 1000L)
+            case Some((shuffleId, mapId)) =>
+              logInfo(s"Trying to migrate shuffle ${shuffleId},${mapId} to 
+              val blocks =
+                migratableResolver.getMigrationBlocks(shuffleId, mapId)
+              logInfo(s"Got migration sub-blocks ${blocks}")
+              blocks.foreach { case (blockId, buffer) =>
+                logInfo(s"Migrating sub-block ${blockId}")
+                blockTransferService.uploadBlockSync(
+        ,
+                  peer.port,
+                  peer.executorId,
+                  blockId,
+                  buffer,
+                  storageLevel,
+                  null)// class tag, we don't need for shuffle
+                logInfo(s"Migrated sub block ${blockId}")
+              }
+              logInfo(s"Migrated ${shuffleId},${mapId} to ${peer}")
+          }
+        }
+        // This catch is intentionally outside of the while running block.
+        // if we encounter errors migrating to an executor we want to stop.
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          migrating match {
+            case Some(shuffleMap) =>
+              logError("Error ${e} during migration, adding ${shuffleMap} back 
to migration queue")
+              shufflesToMigrate.add(shuffleMap)
+            case None =>
+              logError(s"Error ${e} while waiting for block to migrate")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private val migrationPeers = mutable.HashMap[BlockManagerId, 
+  /**
+   * Tries to offload all shuffle blocks that are registered with the shuffle 
service locally.
+   * Note: this does not delete the shuffle files in-case there is an 
in-progress fetch
+   * but rather shadows them.
+   * Requires an Indexed based shuffle resolver.
+   */
+  def offloadShuffleBlocks(): Unit = {
+    // Update the queue of shuffles to be migrated
+    logInfo("Offloading shuffle blocks")
+    val localShuffles = migratableResolver.getStoredShuffles()
+    logInfo(s"My local shuffles are ${localShuffles.toList}")
+    val newShufflesToMigrate = localShuffles.&~(migratingShuffles).toSeq
+    logInfo(s"My new shuffles to migrate ${newShufflesToMigrate.toList}")
+    shufflesToMigrate.addAll(newShufflesToMigrate.asJava)
+    migratingShuffles ++= newShufflesToMigrate
+    // Update the threads doing migrations
+    // TODO: Sort & only start as many threads as min(||blocks||, ||targets||) 
using location pref
+    val livePeerSet = getPeers(false).toSet
+    val currentPeerSet = migrationPeers.keys.toSet
+    val deadPeers = currentPeerSet.&~(livePeerSet)
+    val newPeers = livePeerSet.&~(currentPeerSet)
+    migrationPeers ++= { peer =>
+      logDebug(s"Starting thread to migrate shuffle blocks to ${peer}")
+      val executor = 
+      val runnable = new ShuffleMigrationRunnable(peer)

Review comment:
       Looks like now it migrates shuffle blocks to arbitrary peer. Will it be 
better to migrate shuffle blocks for the same shuffle id to same peer?

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1790,6 +1822,108 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
+  private class ShuffleMigrationRunnable(peer: BlockManagerId) extends 
Runnable {
+    @volatile var running = true
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      var migrating: Option[(Int, Long)] = None
+      val storageLevel = StorageLevel(
+        useDisk = true,
+        useMemory = false,
+        useOffHeap = false,
+        deserialized = false,
+        replication = 1)
+      logInfo(s"Starting migration thread for ${peer}")
+      // Once a block fails to transfer to an executor stop trying to transfer 
more blocks
+      try {
+        while (running) {
+          val migrating = Option(shufflesToMigrate.poll())
+          migrating match {
+            case None =>
+              logInfo("Nothing to migrate")
+              // Nothing to do right now, but maybe a transfer will fail or a 
new block
+              // will finish being committed.
+              val SLEEP_TIME_SECS = 1
+              Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_SECS * 1000L)
+            case Some((shuffleId, mapId)) =>
+              logInfo(s"Trying to migrate shuffle ${shuffleId},${mapId} to 
+              val blocks =
+                migratableResolver.getMigrationBlocks(shuffleId, mapId)
+              logInfo(s"Got migration sub-blocks ${blocks}")
+              blocks.foreach { case (blockId, buffer) =>
+                logInfo(s"Migrating sub-block ${blockId}")
+                blockTransferService.uploadBlockSync(
+        ,
+                  peer.port,
+                  peer.executorId,
+                  blockId,
+                  buffer,
+                  storageLevel,
+                  null)// class tag, we don't need for shuffle
+                logInfo(s"Migrated sub block ${blockId}")
+              }
+              logInfo(s"Migrated ${shuffleId},${mapId} to ${peer}")
+          }
+        }
+        // This catch is intentionally outside of the while running block.
+        // if we encounter errors migrating to an executor we want to stop.
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          migrating match {
+            case Some(shuffleMap) =>
+              logError("Error ${e} during migration, adding ${shuffleMap} back 
to migration queue")
+              shufflesToMigrate.add(shuffleMap)
+            case None =>
+              logError(s"Error ${e} while waiting for block to migrate")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private val migrationPeers = mutable.HashMap[BlockManagerId, 
+  /**
+   * Tries to offload all shuffle blocks that are registered with the shuffle 
service locally.
+   * Note: this does not delete the shuffle files in-case there is an 
in-progress fetch
+   * but rather shadows them.
+   * Requires an Indexed based shuffle resolver.
+   */
+  def offloadShuffleBlocks(): Unit = {
+    // Update the queue of shuffles to be migrated
+    logInfo("Offloading shuffle blocks")
+    val localShuffles = migratableResolver.getStoredShuffles()
+    logInfo(s"My local shuffles are ${localShuffles.toList}")

Review comment:
       `logDebug`? Shuffle files could be long list and increase log size.

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -1790,6 +1822,108 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
+  private class ShuffleMigrationRunnable(peer: BlockManagerId) extends 
Runnable {
+    @volatile var running = true
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      var migrating: Option[(Int, Long)] = None
+      val storageLevel = StorageLevel(
+        useDisk = true,
+        useMemory = false,
+        useOffHeap = false,
+        deserialized = false,
+        replication = 1)
+      logInfo(s"Starting migration thread for ${peer}")
+      // Once a block fails to transfer to an executor stop trying to transfer 
more blocks
+      try {
+        while (running) {
+          val migrating = Option(shufflesToMigrate.poll())
+          migrating match {
+            case None =>
+              logInfo("Nothing to migrate")
+              // Nothing to do right now, but maybe a transfer will fail or a 
new block
+              // will finish being committed.
+              val SLEEP_TIME_SECS = 1
+              Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_SECS * 1000L)
+            case Some((shuffleId, mapId)) =>
+              logInfo(s"Trying to migrate shuffle ${shuffleId},${mapId} to 
+              val blocks =
+                migratableResolver.getMigrationBlocks(shuffleId, mapId)
+              logInfo(s"Got migration sub-blocks ${blocks}")
+              blocks.foreach { case (blockId, buffer) =>
+                logInfo(s"Migrating sub-block ${blockId}")
+                blockTransferService.uploadBlockSync(
+        ,
+                  peer.port,
+                  peer.executorId,
+                  blockId,
+                  buffer,
+                  storageLevel,
+                  null)// class tag, we don't need for shuffle
+                logInfo(s"Migrated sub block ${blockId}")
+              }
+              logInfo(s"Migrated ${shuffleId},${mapId} to ${peer}")
+          }
+        }
+        // This catch is intentionally outside of the while running block.
+        // if we encounter errors migrating to an executor we want to stop.
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          migrating match {
+            case Some(shuffleMap) =>
+              logError("Error ${e} during migration, adding ${shuffleMap} back 
to migration queue")
+              shufflesToMigrate.add(shuffleMap)
+            case None =>
+              logError(s"Error ${e} while waiting for block to migrate")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private val migrationPeers = mutable.HashMap[BlockManagerId, 
+  /**
+   * Tries to offload all shuffle blocks that are registered with the shuffle 
service locally.
+   * Note: this does not delete the shuffle files in-case there is an 
in-progress fetch
+   * but rather shadows them.
+   * Requires an Indexed based shuffle resolver.
+   */
+  def offloadShuffleBlocks(): Unit = {
+    // Update the queue of shuffles to be migrated
+    logInfo("Offloading shuffle blocks")
+    val localShuffles = migratableResolver.getStoredShuffles()

Review comment:
       Do we need to catch `ClassCastException` too here?

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