Github user yhuai commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/Window.scala ---
    @@ -37,443 +67,615 @@ case class Window(
         child: SparkPlan)
       extends UnaryNode {
    -  override def output: Seq[Attribute] =
    -    (projectList ++ windowExpression).map(_.toAttribute)
    +  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = projectList ++
    -  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    +  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = {
         if (windowSpec.partitionSpec.isEmpty) {
    -      // This operator will be very expensive.
    +      // Only show warning when the number of bytes is larger than 100 MB?
    +      logWarning("No Partition Defined for Window operation! Moving all 
data to a single "
    +        + "partition, this can cause serious performance degradation.")
           AllTuples :: Nil
    -    } else {
    -      ClusteredDistribution(windowSpec.partitionSpec) :: Nil
    -    }
    -  // Since window functions are adding columns to the input rows, the 
child's outputPartitioning
    -  // is preserved.
    -  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
    -  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = {
    -    // The required child ordering has two parts.
    -    // The first part is the expressions in the partition specification.
    -    // We add these expressions to the required ordering to make sure 
input rows are grouped
    -    // based on the partition specification. So, we only need to process a 
single partition
    -    // at a time.
    -    // The second part is the expressions specified in the ORDER BY cluase.
    -    // Basically, we first use sort to group rows based on partition 
specifications and then sort
    -    // Rows in a group based on the order specification.
    -    (, Ascending)) ++ 
windowSpec.orderSpec) :: Nil
    +    } else ClusteredDistribution(windowSpec.partitionSpec) :: Nil
    -  // Since window functions basically add columns to input rows, this 
    -  // will not change the ordering of input rows.
    +  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] =
    +    Seq(, Ascending)) ++ 
       override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
    -  case class ComputedWindow(
    -    unbound: WindowExpression,
    -    windowFunction: WindowFunction,
    -    resultAttribute: AttributeReference)
    -  // A list of window functions that need to be computed for each group.
    -  private[this] val computedWindowExpressions = windowExpression.flatMap { 
window =>
    -    window.collect {
    -      case w: WindowExpression =>
    -        ComputedWindow(
    -          w,
    -          BindReferences.bindReference(w.windowFunction, child.output),
    -          AttributeReference(s"windowResult:$w", w.dataType, w.nullable)())
    +  @transient
    +  private[this] lazy val (factories, projection, columns) = {
    +    // Helper method for creating bound ordering objects.
    +    def createBoundOrdering(frameType: FrameType, offset: Int) = frameType 
match {
    +      case RangeFrame =>
    +        // Use the entire order expression when the offset is 0.
    +        val (exprs, current, bound) = if (offset == 0) {
    +          val exprs =
    +          val projection = newMutableProjection(exprs, child.output)
    +          (windowSpec.orderSpec, projection(), projection())
    +        }
    +        // Use only the first order expression when the offset is non-null.
    +        else {
    +          val sortExpr = windowSpec.orderSpec.head
    +          val expr = sortExpr.child
    +          val boundExpr = Add(expr, Cast(Literal.create(offset, 
IntegerType), expr.dataType))
    +          val current = newMutableProjection(expr :: Nil, child.output)()
    +          val bound = newMutableProjection(boundExpr :: Nil, 
    +          (sortExpr :: Nil, current, bound)
    +        }
    +        // Construct the ordering.
    +        val (sortExprs, schema) = { case (e, i) =>
    +          val ref = AttributeReference(s"c_$i", e.dataType, e.nullable)()
    +          (SortOrder(ref, e.direction), ref)
    +        }.unzip
    +        val ordering = newOrdering(sortExprs, schema)
    +        RangeBoundOrdering(ordering, current, bound)
    +      case RowFrame => RowBoundOrdering(offset)
    -  }.toArray
    -  private[this] val windowFrame =
    -    windowSpec.frameSpecification.asInstanceOf[SpecifiedWindowFrame]
    -  // Create window functions.
    -  private[this] def windowFunctions(): Array[WindowFunction] = {
    -    val functions = new 
    -    var i = 0
    -    while (i < computedWindowExpressions.length) {
    -      functions(i) = 
    -      functions(i).init()
    -      i += 1
    +    // Collect all window expressions
    +    val windowExprs = windowExpression.flatMap {
    +      _.collect {
    +        case e: WindowExpression => e
    +      }
    -    functions
    -  }
    -  // The schema of the result of all window function evaluations
    -  private[this] val computedSchema =
    -  private[this] val computedResultMap =
    - { w => w.unbound -> w.resultAttribute 
    +    // Group the window expression by their processing frame.
    +    val groupedWindowExprs = 
    +    // Create factories and collect unbound expressions for each frame.
    +    val factories = mutable.Buffer.empty[WindowFunctionFrame]
    +    val unboundExpressions = mutable.Buffer.empty[Expression]
    +    groupedWindowExprs.foreach {
    +      case (frame, unboundFrameExpressions) =>
    +        // Register the ordinal.
    +        val ordinal = unboundExpressions.size
    +        // Track the unbound expressions
    +        unboundExpressions ++= unboundFrameExpressions
    +        // Bind the expressions.
    +        val functions = { e =>
    +          BindReferences.bindReference(e.windowFunction, child.output)
    +        }.toArray
    +        // Create the frame processors.
    +        val factory = frame match {
    +          // Growing Frame.
    +          case SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType, UnboundedPreceding, 
FrameBoundaryExtractor(high)) =>
    +            val uBoundOrdering = createBoundOrdering(frameType, high)
    +            new UnboundedPrecedingWindowFunctionFrame(ordinal, functions, 
    +          // Shrinking Frame.
    +          case SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType, 
FrameBoundaryExtractor(low), UnboundedFollowing) =>
    +            val lBoundOrdering = createBoundOrdering(frameType, low)
    +            new UnboundedFollowingWindowFunctionFrame(ordinal, functions, 
    +          // Moving Frame.
    +          case SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType,
    +              FrameBoundaryExtractor(low), FrameBoundaryExtractor(high)) =>
    +            val lBoundOrdering = createBoundOrdering(frameType, low)
    +            val uBoundOrdering = createBoundOrdering(frameType, high)
    +            new SlidingWindowFunctionFrame(ordinal, functions, 
lBoundOrdering, uBoundOrdering)
    +          // Entire Partition Frame.
    +          case SpecifiedWindowFrame(_, UnboundedPreceding, 
UnboundedFollowing) =>
    +            new UnboundedWindowFunctionFrame(ordinal, functions)
    +          // Error
    +          case fr =>
    +            sys.error(s"Unsupported Frame $fr for expressions: 
    +        }
    +        factories += factory
    +    }
    -  private[this] val windowExpressionResult = { window 
    -    window.transform {
    -      case w: WindowExpression if computedResultMap.contains(w) => 
    +    // Create the schema projection.
    +    val unboundToAttr = {
    +      e => (e, AttributeReference(s"aggResult:$e", e.dataType, 
    +    val unboundToAttrMap = unboundToAttr.toMap
    +    val patchedWindowExpression =
    +    val projection = newMutableProjection(
    +      projectList ++ patchedWindowExpression,
    +      child.output ++
    +    // Done
    +    (factories.toArray, projection, unboundExpressions.size)
       protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    -    child.execute().mapPartitions { iter =>
    +    child.execute().mapPartitions { stream =>
           new Iterator[InternalRow] {
    -        // Although input rows are grouped based on 
windowSpec.partitionSpec, we need to
    -        // know when we have a new partition.
    -        // This is to manually construct an ordering that can be used to 
compare rows.
    -        // TODO: We may want to have a newOrdering that takes 
    -        // So, we can take advantave of code gen.
    -        private val partitionOrdering: Ordering[InternalRow] =
    -          RowOrdering.forSchema(
    -        // This is used to project expressions for the partition 
    -        protected val partitionGenerator =
    -          newMutableProjection(windowSpec.partitionSpec, child.output)()
    -        // This is ued to project expressions for the order specification.
    -        protected val rowOrderGenerator =
    -          newMutableProjection(, 
    -        // The position of next output row in the inputRowBuffer.
    -        var rowPosition: Int = 0
    -        // The number of buffered rows in the inputRowBuffer (the size of 
the current partition).
    -        var partitionSize: Int = 0
    -        // The buffer used to buffer rows in a partition.
    -        var inputRowBuffer: CompactBuffer[InternalRow] = _
    -        // The partition key of the current partition.
    -        var currentPartitionKey: InternalRow = _
    -        // The partition key of next partition.
    -        var nextPartitionKey: InternalRow = _
    -        // The first row of next partition.
    -        var firstRowInNextPartition: InternalRow = _
    -        // Indicates if this partition is the last one in the iter.
    -        var lastPartition: Boolean = false
    -        def createBoundaryEvaluator(): () => Unit = {
    -          def findPhysicalBoundary(
    -              boundary: FrameBoundary): () => Int = boundary match {
    -            case UnboundedPreceding => () => 0
    -            case UnboundedFollowing => () => partitionSize - 1
    -            case CurrentRow => () => rowPosition
    -            case ValuePreceding(value) =>
    -              () =>
    -                val newPosition = rowPosition - value
    -                if (newPosition > 0) newPosition else 0
    -            case ValueFollowing(value) =>
    -              () =>
    -                val newPosition = rowPosition + value
    -                if (newPosition < partitionSize) newPosition else 
partitionSize - 1
    -          }
    -          def findLogicalBoundary(
    -              boundary: FrameBoundary,
    -              searchDirection: Int,
    -              evaluator: Expression,
    -              joinedRow: JoinedRow): () => Int = boundary match {
    -            case UnboundedPreceding => () => 0
    -            case UnboundedFollowing => () => partitionSize - 1
    -            case other =>
    -              () => {
    -                // CurrentRow, ValuePreceding, or ValueFollowing.
    -                var newPosition = rowPosition + searchDirection
    -                var stopSearch = false
    -                // rowOrderGenerator is a mutable projection.
    -                // We need to make a copy of the returned by 
rowOrderGenerator since we will
    -                // compare searched row with this currentOrderByValue.
    -                val currentOrderByValue = 
    -                while (newPosition >= 0 && newPosition < partitionSize && 
!stopSearch) {
    -                  val r = rowOrderGenerator(inputRowBuffer(newPosition))
    -                  stopSearch =
    -                    !(evaluator.eval(joinedRow(currentOrderByValue, 
    -                  if (!stopSearch) {
    -                    newPosition += searchDirection
    -                  }
    -                }
    -                newPosition -= searchDirection
    -                if (newPosition < 0) {
    -                  0
    -                } else if (newPosition >= partitionSize) {
    -                  partitionSize - 1
    -                } else {
    -                  newPosition
    -                }
    -              }
    -          }
    -          windowFrame.frameType match {
    -            case RowFrame =>
    -              val findStart = findPhysicalBoundary(windowFrame.frameStart)
    -              val findEnd = findPhysicalBoundary(windowFrame.frameEnd)
    -              () => {
    -                frameStart = findStart()
    -                frameEnd = findEnd()
    -              }
    -            case RangeFrame =>
    -              val joinedRowForBoundaryEvaluation: JoinedRow = new 
    -              val orderByExpr = windowSpec.orderSpec.head
    -              val currentRowExpr =
    -                BoundReference(0, orderByExpr.dataType, 
    -              val examedRowExpr =
    -                BoundReference(1, orderByExpr.dataType, 
    -              val differenceExpr = Abs(Subtract(currentRowExpr, 
    -              val frameStartEvaluator = windowFrame.frameStart match {
    -                case CurrentRow => EqualTo(currentRowExpr, examedRowExpr)
    -                case ValuePreceding(value) =>
    -                  LessThanOrEqual(differenceExpr, Cast(Literal(value), 
    -                case ValueFollowing(value) =>
    -                  GreaterThanOrEqual(differenceExpr, Cast(Literal(value), 
    -                case o => Literal(true) // This is just a dummy 
expression, we will not use it.
    -              }
    -              val frameEndEvaluator = windowFrame.frameEnd match {
    -                case CurrentRow => EqualTo(currentRowExpr, examedRowExpr)
    -                case ValuePreceding(value) =>
    -                  GreaterThanOrEqual(differenceExpr, Cast(Literal(value), 
    -                case ValueFollowing(value) =>
    -                  LessThanOrEqual(differenceExpr, Cast(Literal(value), 
    -                case o => Literal(true) // This is just a dummy 
expression, we will not use it.
    -              }
    -              val findStart =
    -                findLogicalBoundary(
    -                  boundary = windowFrame.frameStart,
    -                  searchDirection = -1,
    -                  evaluator = frameStartEvaluator,
    -                  joinedRow = joinedRowForBoundaryEvaluation)
    -              val findEnd =
    -                findLogicalBoundary(
    -                  boundary = windowFrame.frameEnd,
    -                  searchDirection = 1,
    -                  evaluator = frameEndEvaluator,
    -                  joinedRow = joinedRowForBoundaryEvaluation)
    -              () => {
    -                frameStart = findStart()
    -                frameEnd = findEnd()
    -              }
    +        // Get all relevant projections.
    +        val result = projection()
    +        val grouping = newProjection(windowSpec.partitionSpec, 
    +        // Manage the stream and the grouping.
    +        var nextRow: InternalRow = EmptyRow
    +        var nextGroup: InternalRow = EmptyRow
    +        var nextRowAvailable: Boolean = false
    +        private[this] def fetchNextRow() {
    +          nextRowAvailable = stream.hasNext
    +          if (nextRowAvailable) {
    +            nextRow =
    +            nextGroup = grouping(nextRow)
    +          } else {
    +            nextRow = EmptyRow
    +            nextGroup = EmptyRow
    +        fetchNextRow()
    +        // Manage the current partition.
    +        var rows: CompactBuffer[InternalRow] = _
    +        val frames: Array[WindowFunctionFrame] =
    +        val frameCount = frames.length
    +        private[this] def fetchNextPartition() {
    +          // Collect all the rows in the current partition.
    +          val currentGroup = nextGroup
    +          rows = new CompactBuffer
    +          while (nextRowAvailable && nextGroup == currentGroup) {
    +            rows += nextRow.copy()
    +            fetchNextRow()
    +          }
    -        val boundaryEvaluator = createBoundaryEvaluator()
    -        // Indicates if we the specified window frame requires us to 
maintain a sliding frame
    -        // (e.g. RANGES BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) or the window 
    -        // is the entire partition (e.g. ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 
    -        val requireUpdateFrame: Boolean = {
    -          def requireUpdateBoundary(boundary: FrameBoundary): Boolean = 
boundary match {
    -            case UnboundedPreceding => false
    -            case UnboundedFollowing => false
    -            case _ => true
    +          // Setup the frames.
    +          var i = 0
    +          while (i < frameCount) {
    +            frames(i).prepare(rows)
    +            i += 1
    -          requireUpdateBoundary(windowFrame.frameStart) ||
    -            requireUpdateBoundary(windowFrame.frameEnd)
    +          // Setup iteration
    +          rowIndex = 0
    +          rowsSize = rows.size
    -        // The start position of the current frame in the partition.
    -        var frameStart: Int = 0
    -        // The end position of the current frame in the partition.
    -        var frameEnd: Int = -1
    -        // Window functions.
    -        val functions: Array[WindowFunction] = windowFunctions()
    -        // Buffers used to store input parameters for window functions. 
Because we may need to
    -        // maintain a sliding frame, we use this buffer to avoid evaluate 
the parameters from
    -        // the same row multiple times.
    -        val windowFunctionParameterBuffers: Array[util.LinkedList[AnyRef]] 
    - => new util.LinkedList[AnyRef]())
    -        // The projection used to generate the final result rows of this 
    -        private[this] val resultProjection =
    -          newMutableProjection(
    -            projectList ++ windowExpressionResult,
    -            projectList ++ computedSchema)()
    -        // The row used to hold results of window functions.
    -        private[this] val windowExpressionResultRow =
    -          new GenericMutableRow(computedSchema.length)
    -        private[this] val joinedRow = new JoinedRow6
    -        // Initialize this iterator.
    -        initialize()
    -        private def initialize(): Unit = {
    -          if (iter.hasNext) {
    -            val currentRow =
    -            // partitionGenerator is a mutable projection. Since we need 
to track nextPartitionKey,
    -            // we are making a copy of the returned partitionKey at here.
    -            nextPartitionKey = partitionGenerator(currentRow).copy()
    -            firstRowInNextPartition = currentRow
    +        // Iteration
    +        var rowIndex = 0
    +        var rowsSize = 0
    +        def hasNext: Boolean = {
    +          if (nextRowAvailable && rowIndex >= rowsSize) {
    -          } else {
    -            // The iter is an empty one. So, we set all of the following 
    -            // to make sure hasNext will return false.
    -            lastPartition = true
    -            rowPosition = 0
    -            partitionSize = 0
    +          rowIndex < rowsSize
    -        // Indicates if we will have new output row.
    -        override final def hasNext: Boolean = {
    -          !lastPartition || (rowPosition < partitionSize)
    -        }
    -        override final def next(): InternalRow = {
    +        val join = new JoinedRow6
    +        val windowFunctionResult = new GenericMutableRow(columns)
    +        def next(): InternalRow = {
               if (hasNext) {
    -            if (rowPosition == partitionSize) {
    -              // All rows of this buffer have been consumed.
    -              // We will move to next partition.
    -              fetchNextPartition()
    -            }
    -            // Get the input row for the current output row.
    -            val inputRow = inputRowBuffer(rowPosition)
    -            // Get all results of the window functions for this output row.
    +            // Get the results for the window frames.
                 var i = 0
    -            while (i < functions.length) {
    -              windowExpressionResultRow.update(i, 
    +            while (i < frameCount) {
    +              frames(i).write(windowFunctionResult)
                   i += 1
    -            // Construct the output row.
    -            val outputRow = resultProjection(joinedRow(inputRow, 
    -            // We will move to the next one.
    -            rowPosition += 1
    -            if (requireUpdateFrame && rowPosition < partitionSize) {
    -              // If we need to maintain a sliding frame and
    -              // we will still work on this partition when next is called 
next time, do the update.
    -              updateFrame()
    -            }
    +            // 'Merge' the input row with the window function result
    +            join(rows(rowIndex), windowFunctionResult)
    +            rowIndex += 1
    -            // Return the output row.
    -            outputRow
    -          } else {
    -            // no more result
    -            throw new NoSuchElementException
    -          }
    +            // Return the projection.
    +            result(join)
    +          } else throw new NoSuchElementException
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    -        // Fetch the next partition.
    -        private def fetchNextPartition(): Unit = {
    -          // Create a new buffer for input rows.
    -          inputRowBuffer = new CompactBuffer[InternalRow]()
    -          // We already have the first row for this partition
    -          // (recorded in firstRowInNextPartition). Add it back.
    -          inputRowBuffer += firstRowInNextPartition
    -          // Set the current partition key.
    -          currentPartitionKey = nextPartitionKey
    -          // Now, we will start to find all rows belonging to this 
    -          // Create a variable to track if we see the next partition.
    -          var findNextPartition = false
    -          // The search will stop when we see the next partition or there 
is no
    -          // input row left in the iter.
    -          while (iter.hasNext && !findNextPartition) {
    -            // Make a copy of the input row since we will put it in the 
    -            val currentRow =
    -            // Get the partition key based on the partition specification.
    -            // For the below compare method, we do not need to make a copy 
of partitionKey.
    -            val partitionKey = partitionGenerator(currentRow)
    -            // Check if the current row belongs the current input row.
    -            val comparing =, 
    -            if (comparing == 0) {
    -              // This row is still in the current partition.
    -              inputRowBuffer += currentRow
    -            } else {
    -              // The current input row is in a different partition.
    -              findNextPartition = true
    -              // partitionGenerator is a mutable projection.
    -              // Since we need to track nextPartitionKey and we determine 
that it should be set
    -              // as partitionKey, we are making a copy of the partitionKey 
at here.
    -              nextPartitionKey = partitionKey.copy()
    -              firstRowInNextPartition = currentRow
    -            }
    -          }
    + * Function for comparing boundary values.
    + */
    +private[execution] abstract class BoundOrdering {
    +  def compare(input: Seq[InternalRow], inputIndex: Int, outputIndex: Int): 
    -          // We have not seen a new partition. It means that there is no 
new row in the
    -          // iter. The current partition is the last partition of the iter.
    -          if (!findNextPartition) {
    -            lastPartition = true
    -          }
    + * Compare the input index to the bound of the output index.
    + */
    +private[execution] final case class RowBoundOrdering(offset: Int) extends 
BoundOrdering {
    +  override def compare(input: Seq[InternalRow], inputIndex: Int, 
outputIndex: Int): Int =
    +    inputIndex - (outputIndex + offset)
    -          // We have got all rows for the current partition.
    -          // Set rowPosition to 0 (the next output row will be based on 
the first
    -          // input row of this partition).
    -          rowPosition = 0
    -          // The size of this partition.
    -          partitionSize = inputRowBuffer.size
    -          // Reset all parameter buffers of window functions.
    -          var i = 0
    -          while (i < windowFunctionParameterBuffers.length) {
    -            windowFunctionParameterBuffers(i).clear()
    -            i += 1
    -          }
    -          frameStart = 0
    -          frameEnd = -1
    -          // Create the first window frame for this partition.
    -          // If we do not need to maintain a sliding frame, this frame will
    -          // have the entire partition.
    -          updateFrame()
    -        }
    + * Compare the value of the input index to the value bound of the output 
    + */
    +private[execution] final case class RangeBoundOrdering(
    +    ordering: Ordering[InternalRow],
    +    current: Projection,
    +    bound: Projection) extends BoundOrdering {
    +  override def compare(input: Seq[InternalRow], inputIndex: Int, 
outputIndex: Int): Int =
    +, bound(input(outputIndex)))
    -        /** The function used to maintain the sliding frame. */
    -        private def updateFrame(): Unit = {
    -          // Based on the difference between the new frame and old frame,
    -          // updates the buffers holding input parameters of window 
    -          // We will start to prepare input parameters starting from the 
    -          // indicated by offset in the input row buffer.
    -          def updateWindowFunctionParameterBuffers(
    -              numToRemove: Int,
    -              numToAdd: Int,
    -              offset: Int): Unit = {
    -            // First, remove unneeded entries from the head of every 
    -            var i = 0
    -            while (i < numToRemove) {
    -              var j = 0
    -              while (j < windowFunctionParameterBuffers.length) {
    -                windowFunctionParameterBuffers(j).remove()
    -                j += 1
    -              }
    -              i += 1
    -            }
    -            // Then, add needed entries to the tail of every buffer.
    -            i = 0
    -            while (i < numToAdd) {
    -              var j = 0
    -              while (j < windowFunctionParameterBuffers.length) {
    -                // Ask the function to prepare the input parameters.
    -                val parameters = 
functions(j).prepareInputParameters(inputRowBuffer(i + offset))
    -                windowFunctionParameterBuffers(j).add(parameters)
    -                j += 1
    -              }
    -              i += 1
    -            }
    -          }
    + * A window function calculates the results of a number of window 
functions for a window frame.
    + * Before use a frame must be prepared by passing it all the rows in the 
current partition. After
    + * preparation the update method can be called to fill the output rows.
    + *
    + * TODO How to improve performance? A few thoughts:
    + * - Window functions are expensive due to its distribution and ordering 
    + * Unfortunately it is up to the Spark engine to solve this. Improvements 
in the form of project
    + * Tungsten are on the way.
    + * - The window frame processing bit can be improved though. But before we 
start doing that we
    + * need to see how much of the time and resources are spent on 
partitioning and ordering, and
    + * how much time and resources are spent processing the partitions. There 
are a couple ways to
    + * improve on the current situation:
    + * - Reduce memory footprint by performing streaming calculations. This 
can only be done when
    + * there are no Unbound/Unbounded Following calculations present.
    + * - Use Tungsten style memory usage.
    + * - Use code generation in general, and use the approach to aggregation 
taken in the
    + *   GeneratedAggregate class in specific.
    + */
    +private[execution] abstract class WindowFunctionFrame {
    +  /**
    +   * Create a fresh thread safe copy of the frame.
    +   *
    +   * @return the copied frame.
    +   */
    +  def copy: WindowFunctionFrame
    +  /**
    +   * Prepare the frame for calculating the results for a partition.
    +   *
    +   * @param rows to calculate the frame results for.
    +   */
    +  def prepare(rows: Seq[InternalRow]): Unit
    +  /**
    +   * Write the result for the current row to the given target row.
    +   *
    +   * @param target row to write the result for the current row to.
    +   */
    +  def write(target: GenericMutableRow): Unit
    -          // Record the current frame start point and end point before
    -          // we update them.
    -          val previousFrameStart = frameStart
    -          val previousFrameEnd = frameEnd
    -          boundaryEvaluator()
    -          updateWindowFunctionParameterBuffers(
    -            frameStart - previousFrameStart,
    -            frameEnd - previousFrameEnd,
    -            previousFrameEnd + 1)
    -          // Evaluate the current frame.
    -          evaluateCurrentFrame()
    -        }
    + * Base class for dealing with aggregating window function frames.
    + *
    + * @param ordinal of the first column written by this frame.
    + * @param functions to calculate the row values with.
    + */
    +private[execution] abstract class AggregateWindowFunctionFrame(
    +    ordinal: Int,
    +    functions: Array[WindowFunction]) extends WindowFunctionFrame {
    --- End diff --
    So, with `AggregateWindowFunctionFrame`, our window operator is ready to 
support different frames as long as they share the same partitionBy spec and 
orderBy spec, right?
    Also, do we need `WindowFunctionFrame`? We can remove that if we do not 
need that for now.

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