Github user witgo commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockObjectWriter.scala ---
    @@ -107,68 +109,296 @@ private[spark] class DiskBlockObjectWriter(
       private var fos: FileOutputStream = null
       private var ts: TimeTrackingOutputStream = null
       private var objOut: SerializationStream = null
    +  // Did we create this file or was it already present : used in revert to 
    +  // if we should delete this file or not. Also used to detect if file was 
    +  // between creation of BOW and its actual init
    +  private val initiallyExists = file.exists() && file.isFile
       private val initialPosition = file.length()
       private var lastValidPosition = initialPosition
       private var initialized = false
    +  // closed explicitly ?
    +  private var closed = false
    +  // Attempt to cleanly close ? (could also be closed via revert)
    +  // Note, a cleanly closed file could be subsequently reverted
    +  private var cleanCloseAttempted = false
    +  // Was the file actually opened atleast once.
    +  // Note: initialized/streams change state with close/revert.
    +  private var wasOpenedOnce = false
       private var _timeWriting = 0L
    -  override def open(): BlockObjectWriter = {
    -    fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true)
    -    ts = new TimeTrackingOutputStream(fos)
    -    channel = fos.getChannel()
    +  // Due to some directory creation race issues in spark, it has been 
observed that
    +  // sometimes file creation happens 'before' the actual directory has 
been created
    +  // So we attempt to retry atleast once with a mkdirs in case directory 
was missing.
    +  private def init() {
    +    init(canRetry = true)
    +  }
    +  private def init(canRetry: Boolean) {
    +    if (closed) throw new IOException("Already closed")
    +    assert (! initialized)
    +    assert (! wasOpenedOnce)
    +    var exists = false
    +    try {
    +      exists = file.exists()
    +      if (! exists && initiallyExists && 0 != initialPosition && ! 
Utils.inShutdown) {
    +        // Was deleted by cleanup thread ?
    +        throw new IOException("file " + file + " cleaned up ? exists = " + 
exists +
    +          ", initiallyExists = " + initiallyExists + ", initialPosition = 
" + initialPosition)
    +      }
    +      fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true)
    +    } catch {
    +      case fEx: FileNotFoundException =>
    +        // There seems to be some race in directory creation.
    +        // Attempts to fix it dont seem to have worked : working around 
the problem for now.
    +        logDebug("Unable to open " + file + ", canRetry = " + canRetry + 
", exists = " + exists +
    +          ", initialPosition = " + initialPosition + ", in shutdown = " + 
Utils.inShutdown(), fEx)
    +        if (canRetry && ! Utils.inShutdown()) {
    +          // try creating the parent directory if that is the issue.
    +          // Since there can be race with others, dont bother checking for
    +          // success/failure - the call to init() will resolve if fos can 
be created.
    +          file.getParentFile.mkdirs()
    +          // Note, if directory did not exist, then file does not either - 
and so
    +          // initialPosition would be zero in either case.
    +          init(canRetry = false)
    +          return
    +        } else throw fEx
    +    }
    +    try {
    +      // This is to workaround case where creation of object and actual 
    +      // (which can happen much later) happens after a delay and the 
cleanup thread
    +      // cleaned up the file.
    +      channel = fos.getChannel
    +      val fosPos = channel.position()
    +      if (initialPosition != fosPos) {
    +        throw new IOException("file cleaned up ? " + file.exists() + 
    +          ", initialpos = " + initialPosition +
    +          "current len = " + fosPos + ", in shutdown ? " + 
    +      }
    +      ts = new TimeTrackingOutputStream(fos)
    +      val bos = new BufferedOutputStream(ts, bufferSize)
    +      bs = compressStream(bos)
    +      objOut = serializer.newInstance().serializeStream(bs)
    +      initialized = true
    +      wasOpenedOnce = true;
    +    } finally {
    +      if (! initialized) {
    +        // failed, cleanup state.
    +        val tfos = fos
    +        updateCloseState()
    +        tfos.close()
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def open(): BlockObjectWriter = {
    +    init()
         lastValidPosition = initialPosition
    -    bs = compressStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ts, bufferSize))
    -    objOut = serializer.newInstance().serializeStream(bs)
    -    initialized = true
    -  override def close() {
    -    if (initialized) {
    -      if (syncWrites) {
    -        // Force outstanding writes to disk and track how long it takes
    -        objOut.flush()
    +  private def updateCloseState() {
    +    if (ts ne null) _timeWriting += ts.timeWriting
    +    bs = null
    +    channel = null
    +    fos = null
    +    ts = null
    +    objOut = null
    +    initialized = false
    +  }
    +  private def flushAll() {
    +    if (closed) throw new IOException("Already closed")
    +    // NOTE: Because Kryo doesn't flush the underlying stream we 
explicitly flush both the
    +    //       serializer stream and the lower level stream.
    +    if (objOut ne null) {
    +      objOut.flush()
    +      bs.flush()
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def closeAll(needFlush: Boolean, needRevert: Boolean) {
    +    if (null != objOut) {
    +      val truncatePos = if (needRevert) initialPosition else -1L
    +      assert (! this.closed)
    +      // In case syncWrites is true or we need to truncate
    +      var cleanlyClosed = false
    +      try {
    +        // Flushing if we need to truncate also. Currently, we reopen to 
    +        // so this is not strictly required (since close could write 
further to streams).
    +        // Keeping it around in case that gets relaxed.
    +        if (needFlush || needRevert) flushAll()
             val start = System.nanoTime()
    -        fos.getFD.sync()
    +        try {
    +          if (syncWrites) {
    +            // Force outstanding writes to disk and track how long it takes
    +            fos.getFD.sync()
    +          }
    +        } catch {
    +          case sfe: SyncFailedException => // ignore
    +        }
    +        // must cause cascading close. Note, repeated close on closed 
streams should not cause
    +        // issues : except some libraries do not honour it - hence not 
explicitly closing bs/fos
    +        objOut.close()
    +        // bs.close()
    +        // fos.close()
             _timeWriting += System.nanoTime() - start
    -      }
    -      objOut.close()
    -      _timeWriting += ts.timeWriting
    +        // fos MUST have been closed.
    +        assert((channel eq null) || !channel.isOpen)
    +        cleanlyClosed = true
    +      } finally {
    +        this.closed = true
    +        if (! cleanlyClosed) {
    +          // could not cleanly close. We have two cases here -
    +          // a) normal close,
    +          // b) revert
    +          // If (a) then then streams/data is in inconsistent so we cant 
really recover
    +          // simply release fd and allow exception to bubble up.
    +          // If (b) and file length >= initialPosition, then truncate file 
and ignore exception
    +          // else,cause exception to bubble up since we cant recover
    +          assert (fos ne null)
    +          try { fos.close() } catch { case ioEx: IOException => /* best 
case attempt, ignore */ }
    +        }
    +        updateCloseState()
    +        // Since close can end up writing data in general case (inspite of 
    +        // we reopen to truncate file.
    +        if (needRevert) {
    +          // remove if not earlier existed : best case effort so we dont 
care about return value
    +          // of delete (it can fail if file was already deleted by cleaner 
threads for example)
    +          if (! initiallyExists) {
    +            file.delete()
    +            // Explicitly ignore exceptions (when cleanlyClosed = false) 
and return
    +            // from here. Usually not good idea in finally, but it is ok 
    +            return
    +          } else {
    +            val fileLen = file.length()
    +            if (fileLen >= truncatePos) {
    +              if (fileLen > truncatePos) 
DiskBlockObjectWriter.truncateIfExists(file, truncatePos)
    -      channel = null
    -      bs = null
    -      fos = null
    -      ts = null
    -      objOut = null
    -      initialized = false
    +              // Validate length.
    +              assert(truncatePos == file.length() || Utils.inShutdown(),
    +                "truncatePos = " + truncatePos + ", len = " + 
file.length() +
    +                    ", in shutdown = " + Utils.inShutdown())
    +              // Explicitly ignore exceptions (when cleanlyClosed = false) 
and return
    +              // from here. Usually not good idea in finally, but it is ok 
    +              return
    +            } // else cause the exception to bubble up if thrown
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +    } else {
    +      // it is possible for open to have never been called - no data 
written to this
    +      // partition for example. so objOut == null
    +      this.closed = true
    +    initialized = false
    -  override def isOpen: Boolean = objOut != null
    +  private def validateBytesWritten() {
    +    // This should happen due to file deletion, during cleanup. Ensure 
bytesWritten is in sane 
    +    // state. Note, parallel threads continue to run while shutdown 
threads are running : so 
    +    // this prevents unwanted assertion failures and exception elsewhere.
    +    if (lastValidPosition < initialPosition) {
    +      // This is invoked so that assertions within bytes written are 
    +      assert (bytesWritten >= 0)
    +      lastValidPosition = initialPosition
    +    }
    +  }
    -  override def commit(): Long = {
    +  override def commitAndClose() {
         if (initialized) {
    -      // NOTE: Because Kryo doesn't flush the underlying stream we 
explicitly flush both the
    -      //       serializer stream and the lower level stream.
    -      objOut.flush()
    -      bs.flush()
    +      // opened, file still open
    +      assert (wasOpenedOnce)
    +      // Note, set cleanCloseAttempted even before we finish the close : 
so that a revert on this
    +      // in case close fails can truncate to previous state !
    +      cleanCloseAttempted = true
    +      closeAll(needFlush = true, needRevert = false)
           val prevPos = lastValidPosition
    -      lastValidPosition = channel.position()
    -      lastValidPosition - prevPos
    +      assert (prevPos == initialPosition)
    +      assert (null == fos)
    +      lastValidPosition = file.length()
    +      validateBytesWritten()
    +      // review: remove ?
    +      assert (bytesWritten >= 0, "bytesWritten = " + bytesWritten +
    +        ", initial pos = " + initialPosition + ", last valid pos = " + 
    +    } else if (cleanCloseAttempted) {
    +      // opened and closed cleanly
    +      assert (closed)
    +      assert (wasOpenedOnce)
    +      // size should be lastValidPosition, or file deleted due to shutdown.
    +      assert (lastValidPosition == file.length() || Utils.inShutdown,
    +        "lastValidPosition = " + lastValidPosition  +
    +          ", file len = " + file.length() + ", exists = " + file.exists())
         } else {
    -      // lastValidPosition is zero if stream is uninitialized
    -      lastValidPosition
    +      // reverted or never opened.
    +      this.closed = true
    +      assert (initialPosition == file.length() || (0 == initialPosition && 
! initiallyExists) ||
    +          Utils.inShutdown, "initialPosition = " + initialPosition +
    +          ", file len = " + file.length() + ", exists = " + file.exists())
    +      assert(lastValidPosition == initialPosition)
    -  override def revertPartialWrites() {
    +  override def revertPartialWritesAndClose() {
         if (initialized) {
    -      // Discard current writes. We do this by flushing the outstanding 
writes and
    -      // truncate the file to the last valid position.
    -      objOut.flush()
    -      bs.flush()
    -      channel.truncate(lastValidPosition)
    +      // opened, file still open
    +      // Discard current writes. We do this by truncating the file to the 
last valid position.
    +      closeAll(needFlush = true, needRevert = true)
    +      validateBytesWritten()
    +      assert (bytesWritten == 0, "bytesWritten = " + bytesWritten +
    +        ", initial pos = " + initialPosition + ", last valid pos = " + 
    +      assert (initialPosition == file.length() || Utils.inShutdown,
    +        "initialPosition = " + initialPosition +
    +          ", file len = " + file.length() + ", exists = " + file.exists())
    +    } else if (cleanCloseAttempted) {
    +      // Already opened and closed : truncate to last location (or delete
    +      // if created in this instance)
    +      assert (closed)
    +      cleanCloseAttempted = false
    +      // truncate to initialPosition
    +      // remove if not earlier existed
    +      if (! initiallyExists) {
    --- End diff --
    Same as above.

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