Github user rxin commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql
    +import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
    +import org.apache.spark.util.Benchmark
    + * Benchmark for performance with very wide and nested DataFrames.
    + * To run this:
    + *  build/sbt "sql/test-only *WideSchemaBenchmark"
    + */
    +class WideSchemaBenchmark extends SparkFunSuite {
    +  private val scaleFactor = 100000
    +  private val widthsToTest = Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 2500)
    +  private val depthsToTest = Seq(1, 10, 100, 250)
    +  assert(scaleFactor > widthsToTest.max)
    +  private lazy val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder
    +    .master("local[1]")
    +    .appName("microbenchmark")
    +    .getOrCreate()
    +  import sparkSession.implicits._
    +  ignore("parsing large select expressions") {
    +    val benchmark = new Benchmark("parsing large select", 1)
    +    for (width <- widthsToTest) {
    +      val selectExpr = (1 to width).map(i => s"id as a_$i")
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$width select expressions") { iter =>
    +        sparkSession.range(1).toDF.selectExpr(selectExpr: _*)
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /*
    +    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_66-internal-b17 on Linux 
    +    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
    +    parsing large select                   Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)  
 Per Row(ns)   Relative
    +    1 select expressions                          15 /   19          0.0   
 15464923.0       1.0X
    +    10 select expressions                         26 /   30          0.0   
 26131438.0       0.6X
    +    100 select expressions                        46 /   58          0.0   
 45719540.0       0.3X
    +    1000 select expressions                      285 /  328          0.0   
285407972.0       0.1X
    +    5000 select expressions                     1482 / 1645          0.0  
1482298845.0       0.0X
    +    */
    +  }
    +  ignore("many column field read and write") {
    +    val benchmark = new Benchmark("many column field r/w", scaleFactor)
    +    for (width <- widthsToTest) {
    +      // normalize by width to keep constant data size
    +      val numRows = scaleFactor / width
    +      val selectExpr = (1 to width).map(i => s"id as a_$i")
    +      val df = sparkSession.range(numRows).toDF.selectExpr(selectExpr: 
    +      df.count()  // force caching
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$width cols x $numRows rows (read)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("sum(a_1)").collect()
    +      }
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$width cols x $numRows rows (write)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("*", "hash(a_1) as f").selectExpr("sum(a_1)", 
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /*
    +    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_66-internal-b17 on Linux 
    +    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
    +    many column field r/w:                 Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)  
 Per Row(ns)   Relative
    +    1 cols x 100000 rows (read)                   41 /   51          2.4   
      414.5       1.0X
    +    1 cols x 100000 rows (write)                  52 /   68          1.9   
      520.1       0.8X
    +    10 cols x 10000 rows (read)                   43 /   49          2.3   
      426.7       1.0X
    +    10 cols x 10000 rows (write)                  48 /   65          2.1   
      478.3       0.9X
    +    100 cols x 1000 rows (read)                   84 /   91          1.2   
      840.4       0.5X
    +    100 cols x 1000 rows (write)                 103 /  122          1.0   
     1032.1       0.4X
    +    1000 cols x 100 rows (read)                  458 /  468          0.2   
     4575.5       0.1X
    +    1000 cols x 100 rows (write)                 849 /  875          0.1   
     8494.0       0.0X
    +    2500 cols x 40 rows (read)                  1077 / 1135          0.1   
    10770.3       0.0X
    +    2500 cols x 40 rows (write)                 2251 / 2351          0.0   
    22510.8       0.0X
    +    */
    +  }
    +  ignore("wide struct field read and write") {
    +    val benchmark = new Benchmark("wide struct field r/w", scaleFactor)
    +    for (width <- widthsToTest) {
    +      val numRows = scaleFactor / width
    +      var datum: String = "{"
    +      for (i <- 1 to width) {
    +        if (i == 1) {
    +          datum += s""""value_$i": 1"""
    +        } else {
    +          datum += s""", "value_$i": 1"""
    +        }
    +      }
    +      datum += "}"
    +      val df = => 
    +      df.count()  // force caching
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$width wide x $numRows rows (read)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("sum(value_1)").collect()
    +      }
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$width wide x $numRows rows (write)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("*", "hash(value_1) as 
f").selectExpr(s"sum(value_1)", "sum(f)").collect()
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /*
    +    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_66-internal-b17 on Linux 
    +    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
    +    wide struct field r/w:                 Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)  
 Per Row(ns)   Relative
    +    1 wide x 100000 rows (read)                   31 /   38          3.2   
      309.3       1.0X
    +    1 wide x 100000 rows (write)                  55 /   61          1.8   
      551.6       0.6X
    +    10 wide x 10000 rows (read)                   51 /   53          2.0   
      506.6       0.6X
    +    10 wide x 10000 rows (write)                  60 /   71          1.7   
      596.5       0.5X
    +    100 wide x 1000 rows (read)                   74 /   86          1.4   
      737.4       0.4X
    +    100 wide x 1000 rows (write)                 133 /  154          0.8   
     1332.1       0.2X
    +    1000 wide x 100 rows (read)                  377 /  441          0.3   
     3767.3       0.1X
    +    1000 wide x 100 rows (write)                 688 /  828          0.1   
     6880.8       0.0X
    +    2500 wide x 40 rows (read)                   974 / 1044          0.1   
     9738.1       0.0X
    +    2500 wide x 40 rows (write)                 2081 / 2256          0.0   
    20805.8       0.0X
    +    */
    +  }
    +  ignore("deeply nested struct field read and write") {
    +    val benchmark = new Benchmark("deeply nested struct field r/w", 
    +    for (depth <- depthsToTest) {
    +      val numRows = scaleFactor / depth
    +      var datum: String = "{\"value\": 1}"
    +      var selector: String = "value"
    +      for (i <- 1 to depth) {
    +        datum = "{\"value\": " + datum + "}"
    +        selector = selector + ".value"
    +      }
    +      val df = => 
    +      df.count()  // force caching
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$depth deep x $numRows rows (read)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr(s"sum($selector)").collect()
    +      }
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$depth deep x $numRows rows (write)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("*", s"$selector as 
f").selectExpr(s"sum($selector)", "sum(f)").collect()
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /*
    +    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_66-internal-b17 on Linux 
    +    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
    +    deeply nested struct field r/w:        Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)  
 Per Row(ns)   Relative
    +    1 deep x 100000 rows (read)                   38 /   49          2.6   
      382.2       1.0X
    +    1 deep x 100000 rows (write)                  38 /   45          2.6   
      382.1       1.0X
    +    10 deep x 10000 rows (read)                   48 /   61          2.1   
      483.8       0.8X
    +    10 deep x 10000 rows (write)                  93 /  104          1.1   
      931.2       0.4X
    +    100 deep x 1000 rows (read)                  151 /  162          0.7   
     1513.2       0.3X
    +    100 deep x 1000 rows (write)                 903 / 1004          0.1   
     9030.5       0.0X
    +    250 deep x 400 rows (read)                   653 /  735          0.2   
     6526.8       0.1X
    +    250 deep x 400 rows (write)                 8749 / 9217          0.0   
    87490.4       0.0X
    +    */
    +  }
    +  ignore("bushy struct field read and write") {
    +    val benchmark = new Benchmark("bushy struct field r/w", scaleFactor)
    +    for (width <- Seq(1, 10, 100, 500)) {
    +      val numRows = scaleFactor / width
    +      var numNodes = 1
    +      var datum: String = "{\"value\": 1}"
    +      var selector: String = "value"
    +      var depth = 1
    +      while (numNodes < width) {
    +        numNodes *= 2
    +        datum = s"""{"left_$depth": $datum, "right_$depth": $datum}"""
    +        selector = s"left_$depth." + selector
    +        depth += 1
    +      }
    +      // TODO(ekl) seems like the json parsing is actually the majority of 
the time, perhaps
    +      // we should benchmark that too separately.
    +      val df = => 
    +      df.count()  // force caching
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$numNodes nodes x $depth deep x $numRows rows 
(read)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr(s"sum($selector)").collect()
    +      }
    +      benchmark.addCase(s"$numNodes nodes x $depth deep x $numRows rows 
(write)") { iter =>
    +        df.selectExpr("*", s"$selector as 
f").selectExpr(s"sum($selector)", "sum(f)").collect()
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /*
    +    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_66-internal-b17 on Linux 
    +    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
    +    bushy struct field r/w:                Best/Avg Time(ms)    Rate(M/s)  
 Per Row(ns)   Relative
    +    1 nodes x 1 deep x 100000 rows (read)         57 /   69          1.7   
      571.7       1.0X
    +    1 nodes x 1 deep x 100000 rows (write)        61 /   75          1.6   
      614.4       0.9X
    +    16 nodes x 5 deep x 10000 rows (read)         44 /   55          2.3   
      439.0       1.3X
    +    16 nodes x 5 deep x 10000 rows (write)       100 /  126          1.0   
      999.5       0.6X
    +    128 nodes x 8 deep x 1000 rows (read)         53 /   61          1.9   
      532.9       1.1X
    +    128 nodes x 8 deep x 1000 rows (write)       530 /  656          0.2   
     5295.6       0.1X
    +    512 nodes x 10 deep x 200 rows (read)         98 /  134          1.0   
      979.2       0.6X
    +    512 nodes x 10 deep x 200 rows (write)      6698 / 7124          0.0   
    66977.0       0.0X
    +    */
    +  }
    +  //
    +  // The following benchmarks are for reference: the schema is not 
actually wide for them.
    --- End diff --
    what does this mean?

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