Github user wzhfy commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
    +import scala.collection.mutable
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CatalystConf
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{And, AttributeSet, 
Expression, PredicateHelper}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.{Inner, InnerLike}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Join, LogicalPlan, 
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
    + * Cost-based join reorder.
    + * We may have several join reorder algorithms in the future. This class 
is the entry of these
    + * algorithms, and chooses which one to use.
    + */
    +case class CostBasedJoinReorder(conf: CatalystConf) extends 
Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper {
    +  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
    +    if (!conf.cboEnabled || !conf.joinReorderEnabled) {
    +      plan
    +    } else {
    +      plan transform {
    +        case p @ Project(projectList, j @ Join(_, _, _: InnerLike, _)) if 
!j.ordered =>
    +          reorder(j, p.outputSet)
    +        case j @ Join(_, _, _: InnerLike, _) if !j.ordered =>
    +          reorder(j, j.outputSet)
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  def reorder(plan: LogicalPlan, output: AttributeSet): LogicalPlan = {
    +    val (items, conditions) = extractInnerJoins(plan)
    +    val result =
    +      if (items.size > 2 && items.size <= conf.joinReorderDPThreshold && 
conditions.nonEmpty) {
    +        JoinReorderDP(conf, items, conditions, 
    +      } else {
    +        plan
    +      }
    +    // Set all inside joins ordered.
    +    setOrdered(result)
    +    result
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Extract inner joinable items and join conditions.
    +   * This method works for bushy trees and left/right deep trees.
    +   */
    +  def extractInnerJoins(plan: LogicalPlan): (Seq[LogicalPlan], 
Set[Expression]) = plan match {
    +    case j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond) =>
    +      val (leftPlans, leftConditions) = extractInnerJoins(left)
    +      val (rightPlans, rightConditions) = extractInnerJoins(right)
    +      (leftPlans ++ rightPlans, ++
    +        leftConditions ++ rightConditions)
    +    case Project(_, j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond)) =>
    +      val (leftPlans, leftConditions) = extractInnerJoins(left)
    +      val (rightPlans, rightConditions) = extractInnerJoins(right)
    +      (leftPlans ++ rightPlans, ++
    +        leftConditions ++ rightConditions)
    +    case _ =>
    +      (Seq(plan), Set())
    +  }
    +  def setOrdered(plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = plan match {
    +    case j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond) =>
    +      j.ordered = true
    +      setOrdered(left)
    +      setOrdered(right)
    +    case Project(_, j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond)) =>
    +      j.ordered = true
    +      setOrdered(left)
    +      setOrdered(right)
    +    case _ =>
    +  }
    + * Reorder the joins using a dynamic programming algorithm:
    + * First we put all items (basic joined nodes) into level 1, then we build 
all two-way joins
    + * at level 2 from plans at level 1 (single items), then build all 3-way 
joins from plans
    + * at previous levels (two-way joins and single items), then 4-way joins 
... etc, until we
    + * build all n-way joins and pick the best plan among them.
    + *
    + * When building m-way joins, we only keep the best plan (with the lowest 
cost) for the same set
    + * of m items. E.g., for 3-way joins, we keep only the best plan for items 
{A, B, C} among
    + * plans (A J B) J C, (A J C) J B and (B J C) J A.
    + *
    + * Thus the plans maintained for each level when reordering four items A, 
B, C, D are as follows:
    + * level 1: p({A}), p({B}), p({C}), p({D})
    + * level 2: p({A, B}), p({A, C}), p({A, D}), p({B, C}), p({B, D}), p({C, 
    + * level 3: p({A, B, C}), p({A, B, D}), p({A, C, D}), p({B, C, D})
    + * level 4: p({A, B, C, D})
    + * where p({A, B, C, D}) is the final output plan.
    + *
    + * For cost evaluation, since physical costs for operators are not 
available currently, we use
    + * cardinalities and sizes to compute costs.
    + */
    +case class JoinReorderDP(
    +    conf: CatalystConf,
    +    items: Seq[LogicalPlan],
    +    conditions: Set[Expression],
    +    topOutput: AttributeSet) extends PredicateHelper{
    +  /** Level i maintains all found plans for sets of i joinable items. */
    +  val foundPlans = new Array[mutable.Map[Set[Int], JoinPlan]](items.length 
+ 1)
    +  for (i <- 1 to items.length) foundPlans(i) = mutable.Map.empty
    +  def search(): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
    +    // Start from the first level: each plan is a single item with zero 
    +    val itemIndex = items.zipWithIndex
    +    foundPlans(1) ++=
    + { case (item, id) => Set(id) -> JoinPlan(Set(id), 
item, Cost(0, 0)) }
    +    for (lev <- 2 to items.length) {
    +      searchForLevel(lev)
    +    }
    +    val plansLastLevel = foundPlans(items.length)
    +    if (plansLastLevel.isEmpty) {
    +      // Failed to find a plan, fall back to the original plan
    +      None
    +    } else {
    +      // There must be only one plan at the last level, which contains all 
    +      assert(plansLastLevel.size == 1 && plansLastLevel.head._1.size == 
    +      Some(plansLastLevel.head._2.plan)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** Find all possible plans in one level, based on previous levels. */
    +  private def searchForLevel(level: Int): Unit = {
    +    val foundPlansCurLevel = foundPlans(level)
    +    var k = 1
    +    var continue = true
    +    while (continue) {
    +      val otherLevel = level - k
    +      if (k > otherLevel) {
    +        // We can break from here, because when building a join from A and 
B, both A J B and B J A
    +        // are handled.
    +        continue = false
    +      } else {
    +        val joinPlansLevelK = foundPlans(k).values.toSeq
    +        for (i <- joinPlansLevelK.indices) {
    +          val curJoinPlan = joinPlansLevelK(i)
    +          val joinPlansOtherLevel = if (k == otherLevel) {
    +            // Both sides of a join are at the same level, no need to 
repeat for previous ones.
    +            joinPlansLevelK.drop(i)
    +          } else {
    +            foundPlans(otherLevel).values.toSeq
    +          }
    +          joinPlansOtherLevel.foreach { otherJoinPlan =>
    +            // Should not join two overlapping item sets.
    +            if 
(curJoinPlan.itemIds.intersect(otherJoinPlan.itemIds).isEmpty) {
    +              val joinPlan = buildJoin(curJoinPlan, otherJoinPlan)
    +              if (joinPlan.nonEmpty) {
    +                // Check if it's the first plan for the item set, or it's 
a better plan than
    +                // the existing one due to lower cost.
    +                val existingPlan = 
    +                if (existingPlan.isEmpty || joinPlan.get.cost < 
existingPlan.get.cost) {
    +                  foundPlansCurLevel.update(joinPlan.get.itemIds, 
    +                }
    +              }
    +            }
    +          }
    +        }
    +        k += 1
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** Build a new join node. */
    +  private def buildJoin(curJoinPlan: JoinPlan, otherJoinPlan: JoinPlan): 
Option[JoinPlan] = {
    +    // Check if these two nodes are inner joinable. We consider cartesian 
product very
    +    // costly, thus exclude such plans. This also helps us to reduce the 
search space.
    +    val curPlan = curJoinPlan.plan
    +    val otherPlan = otherJoinPlan.plan
    +    val joinCond = conditions
    +      .filterNot(l => canEvaluate(l, curPlan))
    +      .filterNot(r => canEvaluate(r, otherPlan))
    +      .filter(e => e.references.subsetOf(curPlan.outputSet ++ 
    +    if (joinCond.nonEmpty) {
    +      val curPlanStats = curPlan.stats(conf)
    +      val otherPlanStats = otherPlan.stats(conf)
    +      if (curPlanStats.rowCount.nonEmpty && 
otherPlanStats.rowCount.nonEmpty) {
    +        // Now both curPlan and otherPlan become intermediate joins, so 
the cost of the
    +        // new join should also include their costs.
    +        val cost = curJoinPlan.cost + otherJoinPlan.cost +
    +          Cost(curPlanStats.rowCount.get, curPlanStats.sizeInBytes) +
    +          Cost(otherPlanStats.rowCount.get, otherPlanStats.sizeInBytes)
    +        // Put the deeper side on the left, tend to build a left-deep tree.
    +        val (left, right) = if (curJoinPlan.itemIds.size >= 
otherJoinPlan.itemIds.size) {
    +          (curPlan, otherPlan)
    +        } else {
    +          (otherPlan, curPlan)
    +        }
    +        val newJoin = Join(left, right, Inner, joinCond.reduceOption(And))
    +        val remainingConds = conditions -- collectJoinConds(newJoin)
    +        val neededAttr = 
AttributeSet(remainingConds.flatMap(_.references)) ++ topOutput
    +        val newPlan =
    +          if ((newJoin.outputSet -- 
newJoin.outputSet.filter(neededAttr.contains)).nonEmpty) {
    +            Project(newJoin.output.filter(neededAttr.contains), newJoin)
    +          } else {
    +            newJoin
    +          }
    +        val itemIds = curJoinPlan.itemIds.union(otherJoinPlan.itemIds)
    +        return Some(JoinPlan(itemIds, newPlan, cost))
    +      }
    +    }
    +    None
    +  }
    +  private def collectJoinConds(plan: LogicalPlan): Set[Expression] = plan 
match {
    +    case j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond) =>
    +      val leftConditions = collectJoinConds(left)
    +      val rightConditions = collectJoinConds(right)
    + ++ 
leftConditions ++ rightConditions
    +    case Project(_, j @ Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, cond)) =>
    +      val leftConditions = collectJoinConds(left)
    +      val rightConditions = collectJoinConds(right)
    + ++ 
leftConditions ++ rightConditions
    +    case _ =>
    +      Set()
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Partial join order in a specific level.
    +   *
    +   * @param itemIds Set of item ids participating in this partial plan.
    +   * @param plan The plan tree with the lowest cost for these items found 
so far.
    +   * @param cost The cost of this plan is the sum of costs of all 
intermediate joins.
    +   */
    +  case class JoinPlan(itemIds: Set[Int], plan: LogicalPlan, cost: Cost)
    +/** This class defines the cost model. */
    +case class Cost(rows: BigInt, sizeInBytes: BigInt) {
    +  /**
    +   * An empirical value for the weights of cardinality (number of rows) in 
the cost formula:
    +   * cost = rows * weight + size * (1 - weight), usually cardinality is 
more important than size.
    +   */
    +  val weight = 0.7
    +  def +(other: Cost): Cost = Cost(rows + other.rows, sizeInBytes + 
    --- End diff --
    We need to compute a relative value inside the comparison logic, how about 
change the name to `def lt` or `def lessThan`?

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