Github user maropu commented on the issue:
    I found different behaviours in a string function `elt` though, is this 
expected (binray output is a small  surprise?);
    hive> create table t(a binary, b binary);
    hive> create view v as select elt(1, a, b) from t;
    hive> describe v;
    _c0                         string    
    mysql> create table t(a binary, b binary);
    mysql> create view v as select elt(1, a, b) from t;
    mysql> SHOW COLUMNS FROM v;
    | Field        | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | elt(1, a, b) | varbinary(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    scala> val df = Seq(("aaa".getBytes, "bbb".getBytes)).toDF("a", "b")
    scala> df.selectExpr("elt(1, a, b)").printSchema
     |-- elt(1, CAST(a AS STRING), CAST(b AS STRING)): string (nullable = true)


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