Github user mccheah commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -56,17 +56,43 @@ private[spark] class KubernetesClusterManager extends 
ExternalClusterManager wit
           Some(new File(Config.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH)),
           Some(new File(Config.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CA_CRT_PATH)))
    -    val allocatorExecutor = ThreadUtils
    -      .newDaemonSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("kubernetes-pod-allocator")
         val requestExecutorsService = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool(
    +    val bufferEventsExecutor = ThreadUtils
    +    val executeEventSubscribersExecutor = ThreadUtils
    +      .newDaemonCachedThreadPool("kubernetes-executor-pods-event-handlers")
    +    val eventQueue = new ExecutorPodsEventQueueImpl(
    +      bufferEventsExecutor, executeEventSubscribersExecutor)
    --- End diff --
    One way to share this logic would be to have a shared trait for all the 
things that have thread pools to stop, and then use the trait to stop 
everything. e.g.
    trait HasThreadPools {
      protected def threadPools(): Iterable[Executor]
      def stop(): Unit = threadPools().foreach(_.shutdownNow())
    class MyThreadPoolsDependentClass {
      override def threadPools(): Iterable[Executor] = { // All the executors I 
want to shut down }
      override def stop(): Unit = {
        // Stop everything else
    Not sure if it's worth the extra abstraction to do this though.


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