Github user rxin commented on the issue:
    It’s actually common software engineering practice to keep “buggy”
    semantics if a bug has been out there long enough and a lot of applications
    depend on the semantics.
    On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 9:18 AM Hyukjin Kwon <>
    > I don't think it's too discretionary. We have a safeguard to control the
    > behaviour. Spark mentions it in the migration guide. In case of changing
    > public interface which breaks binary or source compatibility, there should
    > really be strong argument, sure. For clarification, I don't think such
    > change is made usually.
    > In this case, it changes a behaviour even with a safeguard. Sounds pretty
    > minor. I wonder why this is suddenly poped up. As I said, if the standards
    > don't reflect the practice, the standards should be corrected or the
    > practice should be complied. Committer's judgement is needed time to time.
    > We need more committers for the more proper review iteration. Let's back 
    > roll.
    > If you prefer more conservative distribution, it should be an option to
    > consider using a maintenance release.
    > we may choose to retain that buggy behavior
    > I strongly disagree. We should fix the buggy behavior. There's no point of
    > having upper versions.
    > If you strongly doubt it, please open a discussion in the mailing list and
    > see if we get agreed at some point.
    > —
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