Github user srowen commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/FileBasedDataSourceSuite.scala ---
    @@ -473,6 +476,27 @@ class FileBasedDataSourceSuite extends QueryTest with 
SharedSQLContext with Befo
    +  test("SPARK-25237 compute correct input metrics in FileScanRDD") {
    +    withTempPath { p =>
    +      val path = p.getAbsolutePath
    +      spark.range(1000).repartition(1).write.csv(path)
    +      val bytesReads = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Long]()
    +      val bytesReadListener = new SparkListener() {
    +        override def onTaskEnd(taskEnd: SparkListenerTaskEnd) {
    +          bytesReads += taskEnd.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.bytesRead
    +        }
    +      }
    +      sparkContext.addSparkListener(bytesReadListener)
    +      try {
    +        sparkContext.listenerBus.waitUntilEmpty(1000L)
    +        assert(bytesReads.sum === 7860)
    --- End diff --
    So the sum *should* be 10*2 + 90*3 + 900*4 = 3890. That's the size of the 
CSV file that's written too, when I try it locally. When I run this code 
without the change here, I get 7820+7820 = 15640. So this is better! but I 
wonder why it ends up thinking it reads about twice the bytes?


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