Github user rxin commented on the issue:
    ```    var writer: ShuffleWriter[Any, Any] = null
        try {
          val manager = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager
          writer = manager.getWriter[Any, Any](
            dep.shuffleHandle, partitionId, context, 
          writer.write(rdd.iterator(partition, context).asInstanceOf[Iterator[_ 
<: Product2[Any, Any]]])
          writer.stop(success = true).get
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            try {
              if (writer != null) {
                writer.stop(success = false)
            } catch {
              case e: Exception =>
                log.debug("Could not stop writer", e)
            throw e
    Can we put the above in a closure and pass it into shuffle dependency? Then 
in SQL we just put the above in SQL using custom metrics.


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