At 07:08 PM 5/10/99 +0200, Armel wrote:

>PS- take the Rietveld Round Robin PbSO4 X-ray pattern and omit
>the O atoms, you will have RB~15%. Make a Fourier difference
>and you will see if the "light" atoms are so light, when using good data.
>When I remember my crystallography courses 25 years ago, maybe, 
>I see the decomposition of the structure factor by atom pairs. O atoms
>are involved not only in O-O pairs, but also in Pb-O and S-O pairs,
>fortunately. In many cases, like Li2TbF6, or LiSbWO6 and so on, I had
>no difficulty to see the Li atoms in the Fourier syntheses, by X-ray.
>Hence not a large need of neutrons, but in a few cases.

Armel could "see" the Li atoms from X-ray data, and I found the H in
AlSiO3(OH) (Schmidt et al., American Mineralogist 83, 881, 1998) with
powder data in a 3-phase mixture. It was clearly visible in the difference
Fourier and could be refined with reasonable distances and thermal factors.
I think all would agree that this was an unusual case, and that one would
not normally expect to find H atoms from X-ray powder data.

Clearly it is important to have a variety of tools in your arsenal and use
whatever of them you need. In addition, make certain that your scientific
administrators and legislators understand the need for neutron facilities!


Larry W. Finger                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Geophysical Laboratory              Phone: +1 (202) 686-2410 X 2464
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.         FAX:   +1 (202) 686-2419
Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA   <---------------- Note NEW URL

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