
At 08:06 AM 4/12/01 -0600, you wrote:

>>2) is it correct that using PC-GSAS the windows automatically close after
>>the program finish? From my point of view it should better to have the
>>possibility to read the refinement results
>Yes, but I like the windows to stay open too. I havn't found out how tho. 
>Any suggestions are welcome.

In my Visual Basic Shell for GSAS, I call the following batch file rather 
than the executable directly. One only needs to keep the window open for 
GENLES and a few other programs.

@echo off
%1 %2 %3 %4

I named the script vb-gsas.bat, thus the call to GENLES is vb-gsas.bat 
genles experiment.exp. The extra arguments take care of any contingencies.


Larry W. Finger                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1400 Colorado St.                    Phone: +1 (240) 463-2051
Boulder City, NV 89005              FAX:   +1 (209) 844-9855     <---- Note New URL and E-mail address

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