My initial subject line was :
"Where we go with monopolistic licensed databases ?

I'm disappointed. After all the thunder we end up with French cuisine.

The CNRS... have adapted (the GPL Gnu Public Licence)
and open source software licence to the french law sauce :

You can't "adapt" a law or a license - either you obey it or you don't. We have heard so much about the evils of "monopolistic" databases that I would like to quote what MySQL wrote recently about the use of their product for the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD).

"Your operating model... is a stellar example of how one might integrate with MySQL while still adhering to confines of the GPL or in other words, managing to keep your product open source".

But it's almost time for lunch. Alan.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet)

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