Hi all!

It's been a while since I posted anything, but now we have a course starting 
related to powder XRD and thermoanalytical methods and again I'm supposed to 
partially lecture it and handle the XRD workshop part. Already last time I used 
HTXRD for the XRD workshop and used the same samples as my TGA colleague to 
show what kind of complementary information can be acquired. I have some 
suitable materials in my mind already, but as some of you probably have 
experience on these, do you have any suggestions? Something that e.g. would 
turn from metal salt to oxide (seen easily with XRD and STA (=TGA+DSC)), then 
at higher temperatures phase changes from one oxide to other with or without 
mass loss (phase change with mass change obviously seen with XRD and TGA, 
without mass change with XRD and maybe with DSC). Additional bonus if one phase 
formed has a negative thermal coefficient along one axis. The oven is 
Anton-Paar HTK1200N so from RT up to 1200 °C is possible. Probably in air, 
unless we decide to use the GCMS attached to our STA, in which case 
measurements might be done in He.

Many thanks if anyone has tips related to this!

Best regards,

Mikko Heikkilä, M.Sc.
Laboratory Engineer
Department of Chemistry
P.O.Box 55 (Chemicum, A.I. Virtasen aukio 1)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
p. +358 504 160 572

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