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> Message du 21/08/18 19:10
> De : "Alan Hewat" 
> A : "" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Rietveld
> As a matter of course we didn't took part in the discussion... (Schenk)
> ...people pretending now to speak in place of Loopstra should stop to do so 
> (Le Bail)
What a contrast of style and substance. Late believers are true believers, and 
Passion evicts Doubt.

Seeking sanity, I refer back to Miguel and the meaning of truth and knowledge.:
> Scientists cannot ask anyone for the absolute truth  (A consideration valid 
>for one but also for two) 
> By absolute truth I meant universal or divine truth. We can certainly ask 
> everyone for the complete truth as they perceive it - opinion, the first kind 
> of knowledge according to the Dutch philosopher, and "the only source of 
> falsity" :-) Scientists try to approach the second kind of knowledge 
> (reason). The third kind is divine truth, and even Armel cannot ask for that.


On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 17:44, Le Bail Armel  wrote:

> Dear Rietvelders,


> The last sentence of the van Laar & Schenk paper is  :
> "It seems to us justified to replace the name ‘Rietveld method’ 
> in the future by the working title of the past: ‘profile method,’ 
> or to honour the inventor by using ‘Loopstra method’."
> So, shame on Rietveld for having stolen Loopstra idea and mathematics
> from van Laar. Shame also for having modified a paper from Henk Schenk
> telling early the "true."
> Thanks to Bob van Laar for being so obviously modest and not 
> considering that his mathematics matter in the method.
> Hope that among the 700 readers there are a few like me finding
> that paper completely incoherent and not convincing at all.
> The fact is that Hugo Rietveld was convinced that he was the
> main conceiver of the method and it is absolutely not impossible
> that Loopstra was only one of the numerous guys who had the idea
> tor fit a complete powder pattern instead of extracted intensities.
> Rietveld himself could be one of such guys. He decided to thank

> Loopstra and van Laar "for their suggestions and helpful criticisms".

> And this supposes that Loopsta and van Laar have very probably

> read the paper before submission and seen clearly that Rietveld

> was the only author of that now most cited 1969 paper...
> One of the main surprising sentence in the paper is :
> "If the community had awarded this (Loopstra & Rietveld, 1969) 
> paper the recognition it deserved, the described profile refinement 
> method would probably not be named after Rietveld alone. From the 
> point of view of historical correctness this would have been much 
> closer to the truth."
> Indeed, in that 1969 paper one can find :
> "In neutron powder diffraction, it is customary to use as 
> least-squares data the integrated values of the diffraction peaks, 
> even when these consist of more than one Bragg reflexion. The loss 
> of information inherent in this technique can, however, be eliminated 
> by using the complete observed powder pattern in a direct manner 
> (Rietveld, 1967). This method determines the esti-mates of the 
> structure parameters by finding a least-squares fit between the 
> observed and calculated profile intensities."
> So, Loopstra cosigns a paper in 1969 with Rietveld in which he
> recognizes using the Rietveld method as described in the Rietveld
> 1967 paper !
> Later Loopstra published many papers referencing the Rietveld 
> 1969 paper.
> My conclusion is that people pretending now to speak in place
> of Loopstra should stop to do so.
> Best,
> Armel Le Bail

> Message du 21/08/18 16:01
> > De :
> > A :
> > Copie à : 
> > Objet : [SUSPECTED SPAM] Rietveld
> > 
> >We were worried that our article was not reaching the powder 
> >crystallographers as it was published, although Open Access, in Acta Cryst 
> >A. Jim Kaduk advised me to use this excellent list-server, so I became 
> >member and posted our message. Now I�m happy to mention that since that day 
> >Acta A counted almost 700 downloads for the paper, so we clearly reached our 
> >goal.
> > 
> > I was also pleased to follow the discussion, very lively and interesting, 
> > and thank all contributors. The discussion was led day and night by our 
> > excellent chair/moderator, Alan Hewat. 
> > Alan, you did a fantastic job, summarising, adding information and making 
> > essential links. Thank you very very much!
> > 
> > As a matter of course we didn�t took part in the discussion, but now I like 
> > to make one comment on the question �why now�. This is a quite long story 
> > and carries a lot of non-scientific information. So it couldn�t be part of 
> > our paper, but may be once it will be written down and published in the 
> > IUCr Newsletter.
> > 
> > Henk Schenk
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   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE 
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