It seems that even the origin of least squares is debateable:


"That Gauss was the first to define the method of least squares was contested 
in his day. Adrien-Marie Legendre first published a version of the method in 


I though this discussion would divide the community but from Armel’s pole (good 
idea) it hasn’t. 


The Rietveld method is an implementation of the method of least squares with 
the function being minimized changed to suite powder diffraction. Looking at 
the least squares formulae as defined by Gauss, Eq. (1) at: 


or at:


we see that it is familiar except that f describes a diffraction pattern. 
Fitting to the powder data itself (rather than first performing data reduction 
in the form of extracting intensities) is what is implied by Gauss and it seems 
odd that this was not considered by many. 


Also, computer code for performing least squares on powder data is 70% 
identical (in my estimate) to performing least squares on single crystal data. 
In fact, if only Gaussian peak shapes are considered then its 90% identical. I 
should know as computer code that perform derivatives on structural parameters 
for single crystal data are exactly the same code used to perform derivatives 
on powder data.


My feelings are similar to Scott Speakman in that credit should be given to 
Rietveld for developing and distributing his software; if more was done by 
Rietveld in regards to developing f then all the better.


All the best

Alan Coelho



From: <> On Behalf Of Scott 
Sent: Wednesday, 22 August 2018 4:35 AM
Subject: RE: Rietveld


It is interesting to read this conversation and to hear the various points of 


I have one point for consideration to add, and would love to hear the opinion 
of those who were more closely involved in those early days:  I was always 
under the impression that the nomenclature "Rietveld technique" evolved mostly 
because Hugo Rietveld freely distributed the programming code for others to 
use, and allowed the code to be used and incorporated into other programs 
without ever requesting licensing fees or the like.  In that case, the name 
"Rietveld technique" isn't used to credit the inventor(s) of the methodology, 
but rather to acknowledge the author of the original programming code.  



Kind Regards,

Scott A Speakman, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist- XRD


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From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of Le 
Bail Armel
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 11:09 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: Rietveld


The >1500 subscribers can vote... :








> Message du 21/08/18 19:10
> De : "Alan Hewat" < 
> <> >
> A : " <> " < 
> <> >
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Rietveld

> As a matter of course we didn't took part in the discussion... (Schenk) 

> ...people pretending now to speak in place of Loopstra should stop to do so 
> (Le Bail)

What a contrast of style and substance. Late believers are true believers, and 
Passion evicts Doubt.


Seeking sanity, I refer back to Miguel and the meaning of truth and knowledge.:

> Scientists cannot ask anyone for the absolute truth  (A consideration valid 
> for one but also for two) 
> By absolute 
> <>
>   truth I meant universal or divine truth. We can certainly ask everyone for 
> the complete truth as they perceive it - opinion, the first kind of knowledge 
> according to the Dutch philosopher 
> <>
>  , and "the only source of falsity" :-) Scientists try to approach the second 
> kind of knowledge (reason). The third kind is divine truth, and even Armel 
> cannot ask for that.


On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 17:44, Le Bail Armel < 
<> > wrote:

> Dear Rietvelders,


> The last sentence of the van Laar & Schenk paper is  :
> "It seems to us justified to replace the name ‘Rietveld method’ 
> in the future by the working title of the past: ‘profile method,’ 
> or to honour the inventor by using ‘Loopstra method’."
> So, shame on Rietveld for having stolen Loopstra idea and mathematics
> from van Laar. Shame also for having modified a paper from Henk Schenk
> telling early the "true."
> Thanks to Bob van Laar for being so obviously modest and not 
> considering that his mathematics matter in the method.
> Hope that among the 700 readers there are a few like me finding
> that paper completely incoherent and not convincing at all.
> The fact is that Hugo Rietveld was convinced that he was the
> main conceiver of the method and it is absolutely not impossible
> that Loopstra was only one of the numerous guys who had the idea
> tor fit a complete powder pattern instead of extracted intensities.
> Rietveld himself could be one of such guys. He decided to thank

> Loopstra and van Laar "for their suggestions and helpful criticisms".

> And this supposes that Loopsta and van Laar have very probably

> read the paper before submission and seen clearly that Rietveld

> was the only author of that now most cited 1969 paper...
> One of the main surprising sentence in the paper is :
> "If the community had awarded this (Loopstra & Rietveld, 1969) 
> paper the recognition it deserved, the described profile refinement 
> method would probably not be named after Rietveld alone. From the 
> point of view of historical correctness this would have been much 
> closer to the truth."
> Indeed, in that 1969 paper one can find :
> "In neutron powder diffraction, it is customary to use as 
> least-squares data the integrated values of the diffraction peaks, 
> even when these consist of more than one Bragg reflexion. The loss 
> of information inherent in this technique can, however, be eliminated 
> by using the complete observed powder pattern in a direct manner 
> (Rietveld, 1967). This method determines the esti-mates of the 
> structure parameters by finding a least-squares fit between the 
> observed and calculated profile intensities."
> So, Loopstra cosigns a paper in 1969 with Rietveld in which he
> recognizes using the Rietveld method as described in the Rietveld
> 1967 paper !
> Later Loopstra published many papers referencing the Rietveld 
> 1969 paper.
> My conclusion is that people pretending now to speak in place
> of Loopstra should stop to do so.
> Best,
> Armel Le Bail

> Message du 21/08/18 16:01
> > De : <> 
> > A : <> 
> > Copie à : 
> > Objet : [SUSPECTED SPAM] Rietveld
> > 
> >We were worried that our article was not reaching the powder 
> >crystallographers as it was published, although Open Access, in Acta Cryst 
> >A. Jim Kaduk advised me to use this excellent list-server, so I became 
> >member and posted our message. Now I�m happy to mention that since that day 
> >Acta A counted almost 700 downloads for the paper, so we clearly reached our 
> >goal.
> > 
> > I was also pleased to follow the discussion, very lively and interesting, 
> > and thank all contributors. The discussion was led day and night by our 
> > excellent chair/moderator, Alan Hewat. 
> > Alan, you did a fantastic job, summarising, adding information and making 
> > essential links. Thank you very very much!
> > 
> > As a matter of course we didn�t took part in the discussion, but now I like 
> > to make one comment on the question �why now�. This is a quite long story 
> > and carries a lot of non-scientific information. So it couldn�t be part of 
> > our paper, but may be once it will be written down and published in the 
> > IUCr Newsletter.
> > 
> > Henk Schenk
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   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE 

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