>For Armel, here are a couple of examples of automatic indexing, search-match 
>and structure DETERMINATION from neutron powder data.


OK, let us make a 2018 analysis of 
Pawley & Hewat (1985) Acta Ctyst. B41, 136-130.
according to 2002 criteria

sample : CF3Cl = strong chemical information

Neutron : D1A (ILL) lamda = 2.98 A

Indexing : Visser (1969) : orthorhombic cell

C-centered from systematic absences

estimation of 4 molecules per cell

A packing-analysis program written to investigate CF3Cl in Cmc21
two variables needed :
translation of the molecule along y and rotation in the yz plane

Unit cell refined using the ALLHKL (Pawley, 1981) program

Final full refinement by EDINP (Pawley, 1980)

All this fits well into the SDPD 2002 maze

You had Pawley with you...
His packing-analysis software can be considered as a precursor
of what is called nowadays the direct-space approach, rotating
and translating a known molecule (using a grid-search approach
I presume in that case) till obtaining a good fit.

A pity that he has not solved his 1981 example for his Pawley method
(decafluorocyclohex-1-ene, C6F10) using that software (was a bit
more complex).

So, this 1985 SDPD paper cannot be considered as a good example for
a confirmation of the "structure determined by the Rietveld method"
approach. but sure it is a nice structure DETERMINATION from neutron

powder data.








> Message du 29/08/18 12:33
> De : "Alan Hewat" 
> A : "Armel Le Bail" 
> Copie à : "rietveld_l@ill.fr" 
> Objet : Re: Rietveld website cancelled ?
> A clear distinction having my complete agreement. (Armel)
Ouf. Nous sommes d'accord enfin :-) For Armel, here are a couple of examples of 
automatic indexing, search-match and structure DETERMINATION from neutron 
powder data. Very few citations though; crystallographers largely ignored 
neutron powder diffraction before 1987 and Hi-Tc :-)

   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE 
>         http://www.NeutronOptics.com/hewat
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