For ESRF users.

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Subject: LAST REMINDER: User Meeting 2019 - Nominations for the Young Scientist Award
Date:   Wed, 7 Nov 2018 15:00:54 +0100
From:   Onsite Mailinglist <>
Reply-To:       Onsite Mailinglist <>

Dear All,

Since 1995, the ESRF User Organisation has awarded the annual *Young Scientist Award* to a scientist for outstanding achievements in research performed at an ESRF beamline.

The *Award 2019* carries prize money of *1 500 Euro,* as well as the production by a professional company of a short promotional *video about the winner and his/her research*, and will be awarded on *Tuesday 5 February 2019*, during the Plenary Session of the User Meeting <>.

Please do not hesitate to take some time to think about the young scientists you are working with, either as part of your team or as a member of your external user community, and to send a nomination for any scientist you may feel should be considered for this award.

*Nominations for the **2019Young Scientist Award* (the nominees must be _less than 37 years old on 1^st January 2019)_, must be made by *Sunday 11 November 2018*and should be sent to: <>

Details of the selection criteria, how to submit a nomination, and the supporting material to be provided, can be consulted via the web page "Young Scientist Award: Call for Nominations":

Best regards.

User Office
on behalf of the User Organisation

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