Geert Bevin wrote:
However, when the inheritance flow has completed, the child request is restored, effectively restoring the invalid session id which causes the login page to be displayed again.

I don't understand, so you say that the original session id is show after the child trigger succeeded? What did you do to cause the child trigger to execute, did you set an output with the session id?

Ah! I see what's happening here.

There are actually two triggers: username and sessionid. For the child to be triggered, the username must match that linked to the session id. Because I set both the username and session id at successful login, childTriggered() is called twice: once for username and another for sessionid. Since I only store the username and return false, leaving for the actual check to be triggered by sessionid. Returning false when the username output is set is what causes the login page to be displayed again.

Any ideas how to get around this? Or, do I have to wait until proper support for multiple child triggers is available?

What I want to do is to either 1) reset that child trigger variable in the original child request,

You should be able to do that by setting an output.

Indeed. But that does not work with multiple child triggers, as described above.

or 2) cancel the inheritance flow and redirect the user to a completely different page.

You should be able to do that by calling exit("name") on the exit that has been declared to cancel the inheritance.

Most likely solution if I can't find a work-around. Is there a way to identify the child element and exit to that?

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