Hi Jeremy,

1. Application structure - Without this, you can know all of the syntax you want but still have no RIFE. 2. Element composition - Unless you just want to have a Hello World, you need to know what you can do with your elements. 3. Element flow - Now that you have an element, how do you link your elements to make your app do something? Very important.
4. Template composition - To present your data, you need this.
5. Template syntax - Understanding how RIFE will render your page and what options you have for this is priceless.

I think this is a very nice overview!



Geert Bevin             Uwyn bvba               GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Use what you need"     Avenue de Scailmont 34  Skype: gbevin
http://www.uwyn.com     7170 Manage, Belgium      AIM: geertbevin
gbevin at uwyn dot com  Tel: +32 64 84 80 03   Mobile: +32 477 302 599

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