Ran into an interesting problem this evening, not sure how to get around it:

As part of my registration process users have to give me a certain set of information, such as email address, a password, and their full name,

Given these pieces of info, they can register and access the system. However there is a lot more in my "Account" bean that isn't necessary to register, but might be useful for them to fill in later for use in larger aspects of the system (address, phone #, billing info for enhanced services, etc)

The validation is done in two different validation groups, one for the info required at registration time, the other to handle the user profile member variables.

when I made a form (the "user profile") to deal with setting the rest of the data, I can read the Account bean back in and all the data originally set there when the user registered is there; however, once the user fills in the User Profile form (address, etc) the existing data in the bean gets wiped after the fillSubmissionBean()
call and only the "new" data is in the bean.

is there something that needs to be set to keep the existing data in the bean...?

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
                                          David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist.com http://www.zeitgeist.com/
                                                    ~ ~ ~
"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells

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