I've looked at the terminal output. This is the section of mostly Qt5
related "warnings" I see when I open the video settings and click on the
various camera settings.

QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is Video::ShmRenderer(0x19b0840), parent's thread is
QThread(0x15ab650), current thread is QThread(0xb3dd80)
QItemSelectionModel: Setting the current index when no model has been set
will result in a no-op.
QItemSelectionModel: Setting the current index when no model has been set
will result in a no-op.
QItemSelectionModel: Setting the current index when no model has been set
will result in a no-op.
QItemSelectionModel: Setting the current index when no model has been set
will result in a no-op.

The no-op one always happens when I change any camera setting, makes me
think maybe it just doesn't do anything?

Running Cheese (the gnome camera snapshotter) I get fluent video (30+ fps
I'd guess) with 1280x720 which is the highest res for this webcam (creative
live! HD VF0790)

The client version (built from AUR on arch) is 0.4.0


2015-11-25 10:48 GMT-07:00 Jérôme Oufella <

> Ales,  you can try connecting a second (different) webcam on the same
> platform, check if you have the same fps limitations. In any case, I'm sure
> someone here can point to a  debugging path. First thing that comes to my
> mind is querying the webcam's caps from a cli tool in a way similar to ring
> to see what it reports.
> @eloi: any hint?

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