A few days ago I tried Ring and ran into a couple issues. One looks like it is 
already being sorted out. Here is the other.
I am on Arch Linux using Gnome 3, so I am using the Gnome-based Ring client. 
The following appears to be true with regard to how the client and daemon 
interact when starting them up and shutting them down:
1 - The client does not start the daemon, the daemon must be started first.2 - 
Closing the client, if you close it by clicking "options --> quit", closes not 
just the client, but will also shut down the daemon as well.3 - If I click the 
"x" in the window title bar of the client it does not close the daemon.  It 
also does not appear to properly close the client because, while the window 
does dissapear, I am not returned to the prompt in the terminal where I 
launched it from.
So my issue is that I cannot find a decent way to start and shut down the 
software. If I use a script that launches the daemon first, and then the 
client, that works so long as I always remember to click options --> quit. But 
I have a really hard time remembering to do that and often hit "x" instead. If 
hitting "x" minimizes the client somewhere, I cannot find it--it is not in the 
notification area or elsewhere. I then have the problem that if I run the same 
script to start it up I will regain the client but have two instances of dring 
running because the "x" does not close down the daemon. Having to use two 
different ways to start the client based on whether or not I've already 
launched the daemon seems a bit unnecessarily complicated.
If I add the daemon to my startup applications for my desktop, then I don't 
need to make provisions for it to be started with the client. But, then, if I 
happen to close the client with options --> quit, the next time I launch the 
client it will not work because the client had closed the daemon the last time 
I used it.
To have a manageable way to start and stop the client, I think one of three 
things needs to happen, and I don't really care which. A)The client needs to 
close the daemon when clicking "x" in the window title bar just like it does 
when going through the options --> quit menu.or B)The client needs to not close 
the daemon when clicking "options --> quit" just like it doesn't close it when 
clicking "x".
Or, C)clicking the "x" button should remove the application's desktop window 
and send the application into the notification area/system tray or whatever 
people are trying to call it these days. I suspect that this is the intended 
behaviour, but if it is supposed to do that it is not working while other 
applications--transmission, google hangouts, etc--do this just fine. In this 
scenerio I can always make the daemon start with the client because the client 
will never be truly closed without also closing the daemon.
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