I started this submodule synchronization proposal 
https://github.com/cirosantilli/ring and there was some talk of making it 
official. Any advances there?

We could then make one commit that updates all modules per weekly release + 
urgent fixes so that master is always "stable", and eventually tags for major 

Issue: https://tuleap.ring.cx/plugins/tracker/?aid=250

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baptiste Jonglez" <bapti...@bitsofnetworks.org>
To: ring@lists.savoirfairelinux.net
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 9:46:56 PM
Subject: [Ring] Tagging ring versions in git repositories?


I know Ring is still in alpha, but is it possible to add version tags from
time to time in the various git repositories?

My use-case is that it's difficult to know when to update the various ring
packages I maintain for Archlinux:


For instance, the version could be bumped when:

- a significant bug has been fixed (like the issue with OpenDHT taking up
  all bandwidth)
- the API/ABI of ring-lrc changes
- a new feature is available and has been thoroughly tested

It would be nice to have the same version numbers for all components
(daemon, lrc, gnome client): this way, it is obvious that version x.y.z of
the gnome client is API-compatible with version x.y.z of lrc.  Is it
feasible?  Otherwise, is there a better solution to quickly know whether
given versions of the daemon, lrc and clients are API-compatible or
ABI-compatible with each other?  Maybe bump y (as in x.y.z) when the
API/ABI changes, and z for other changes?


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