
It was reported several times by Debian and Fedora users that their
package manager complained about duplicate package sources. This happens
because the ring-daemon package in our repositories adds a package source.

Our installation instructions also ask you to add a package source, so
you end up with two sources.

**We would like to modify our packages so that they no longer
automatically install a package source.**

This means that users following the 'Manual installation'[1] process on
the download page[2] would have no automatic update, and should install
the repositories themselves if they want updates.

**The recommended install method is adding repository sources and then
installing the package.**

The 'Manual installation' method is left to users that may want to
install a specific package, so it makes sense that those package don't
pull any additional things with them.

If you have any comments/suggestions, feel free to make them now.


1. https://ring.cx/en/download/gnu-linux/manual
2. https://ring.cx/en/download/gnu-linux

Alexandre Viau

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